She's finally up!!

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Chapter 24

It's been 5 months since y/n was put in that coma. Everything else was quiet. There were no new attacks from the league or anything.

I was at the hospital, sitting by her side and holding her hand. Rubbing my thumb with her hand, I talked about my day.

"Today was like all the others. Kaachan gave me a hard Time, all might gave us some training, and we all miss you. I'm sorry, I wasn't there to protect you, I wasn't there to insure your safety, I wasn't your hero." Tears streamed down my face. I had let her down. I should've been there earlier.

"P-prom is in a few weeks Now, I was hopping I could take you once you woke up. But I guess the m-might not happen anytime soon. I'm so sorry y/n! I hope you'll find it in your heart to forgive me when....if you wake up!" I cried.

"Mr.Midoriya? Visiting time is over." The nurse mentioned to the door.

I got up in silence and made my way to the door. But before I got out completely I spared one final glance over to y/n. All her scares were gone thanks to recovery girl. Even the giant gash in her stomache.

I walked out of the hospital and headed home. I sat on my bed staring at the wall. "I'm sorry y/n." I mumble to myself.

I then heard a knock comming from the front door, mom wasn't home so I went down and answered it.

"Midoriya, we've been wondering if you'd like to go get some tuxedos for the upcoming dance." Kirishima announced. On the other side of the door were all the guys from my class, even Mineta came along.

"No thanks, I don't think I'll be going to prom."

"C'mon man, we're worried about you, even Bakugou's worried!" Kirishima continued.

"No I wasn't! Stop lying Kirishima before I blow your ass up!" Kaachan exploded.

"C'mon Bakugou, we all know you were, so just say it." Kaminari joined the chat (heh)

Kaachan looked over to me and sighed. "Yeah nerd, I was worried about you. So you're comming to this dance, you hear Me!?"

"But I don't wanna go if y/-"

"Midoriya, don't you think y/n would want you to have fun and go to the dance?" Sero put a hand on my shoulder.

"Fine, I'll go." They all fist bumped the air and dragged me into a car. It must've been one of their parents's (not aexactly a word but I thought it was a lil funny) car.

"Where are we going?" I asked as Kaachan started the car.

"Going to find our tuxs man!" Kirishima yelled out.

Finally we made it to the mall. We went into a store where they sell fancy dresses and tuxedos. Todoroki offered to pay for everything using his father's credit card.

After a few minutes of searching, I came across the perfect suit.

After a few minutes of searching, I came across the perfect suit

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