Hide and seek

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Chapter 40

I woke up to the sight of a sleeping Izu besides me on a comfy bed. Das my bed. I'm home. He must've carried me and Eri here.

I should probably get started with breakfast. I could make some....You know what? After everything that happened. Ima get em all the breakfast food items. Spoil my babies y'know.

I got to the kitchen and started looking for a bunch of ingredients but realised that some are missing and I'd have to go get more.

Looks like I'll be going out. Not wanting to wake Izu or Eri, I got dressed as quietly as I could and made my way to the front door.

I'll let them rest for a little bit. I took a cab to the grocery store and began my search. I decided to get some other things just in case. Which gave me a little longer grocery list.

●Ice cream

I'm pretty sure some other stuff are home so I don't need to get everything for making the full breakfast.

I made my way around the place and gathered some of the items on the list that came my way.

"Y/n! Y/n!" A voice called from behind. I recognised that voice from a pink haired and skinned girl.

"Mina!" I waved. She was running my way with the girls behind her.

"Where were you?! Midoriya said that you were missing yesterday!"

"Stuff happened in America but it's all good now."

"Sure. Hey can we help with the groceries? We can head over to my place and have breakfast. Then you'll take the groceries home after!"

"Uhh I don't know...."

"C'mon y/n pleassseee!"

"Uhh....I guess. But I'll have to be quick."


Mina grabbed me and the girls help get the rest of the items on the list.

When We were done we headed over to mina's place where she made us some eggs and bacon.

"Where's Sero?" I asked.

"He's with the guys. They were panning on getting Midoriya in a few hours to do whatever they Do."

"Sure!" At would be left with Bakugou's kid and their baby sitter.

We enjoyed breakfast and I ended up staying there.

(Izuku's POV)

"Morning puppy." I reached out to the other side of the bed but it was empty. She must already be up.

I walked down to the kitchen thinking that she would probably be making breakfast....but she wasn't there.

"Y/n? Y/n? Y/n where are you?!" I looked around the house but she wasn't there. God what if someone took her?! She could be in trouble!

I quickly got dressed and called Eri's baby sitter to look after her.

I ran out the doors and got in the car. I drived around for a bit hopping that she was just out for a walk or something. But I didn't spot her.

I tried calling her but her she wouldn't answer.

Soon I ran into Kaachan and the others.

"Hey Kaachan have you seen y/n?"

"No I haven't. What still no sight of her?"

"No I got hardback yesterday but she isn't home or anywhere I've looked now."

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