First day

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Chapter 13

"Y/n! It's time to get up!" A knock came at my door with the sound of inko's voice. I looked over to alarm only to realise I head slept through it.

"Stupid alarm not doing what's it's supposed to!" I groaned to myself and told Inko that I'll be ready soon.

I took a shower, along with my morning routine. I fixed my hair and got dressed in the uniform.

I went down stairs to see Inko and Izuku in his uniform.

"Morning y/n!"

"Morning Izuku!"

We had a little chat before it was time to start our jerney to the new school.

"Bye Inko!"

"Bye mom!"

"Bye kids!"

Izuku and I began our jerney and even had a little chat about U.A. We talked about the types of training they did before I had arrived and it all seemed so unreal. I had just learned that there are real life heroes and people with super powers.

We finally made it to U.A and it was huge. Izuku guided me in to find my class.

"Wait. What's my class? We never talked about this."

"Oh yeah. You're right. Well you're in my class!"

"Sweet! At least there is someone I know!"

We finally made it to a door that was marked '1A'.

"That's a huge door!"

Izuku chuckled and opened the door for me to pass through. I walked in to see all my classmates chatting with their groups of friends. Reminds me of home.

They all turned to me as soon as I got in. Izuku came in soon after me and I noticed this kid with ash blonde hair get up and walk towards him.

"Hey Deku!" He boomed.

"Y-yes Kacchaan?!" Izuku held his hands up in front of his chest.

The boy who was named Kachaan lifted Izuku by his shirt collar.

'Oh, another one of those hot-shot bullies huh? Thinking there better than others and making those around them feel bad.'

Izuku looked terrified of Kachaan, which didn't sit right with me. I walked behind the boy and patted his shoulder to get his attention. He turned his head to face me, he looked pissed. How short is his temper?

"What the hell do you want you damn extra?!"

"Ok rude! And second of all, don't hurt my friend! Who the hell do you think you are?" I grabbed Izuku by the hand and sat him down. I could her gasps comming from the class.

I then proceeded to sit in my seat which was ironically right next to Izuku's seat.

Kachaan came up to me and set of an explosion on my desk. So his quirk is making bombs?

"Listen here you little bitch! I don't know who you think you are talking to me like that. But you do not wanna mess with Me. Katsuki Bakugou!"

Katsuki Bakugo- wasnt his name Kachaan?! Doesnt matter now. "" I really wanted to end this as soon as possible. Getting into a fight on my first day would not be good.

I guess he took that as me talking back to him or something cause he proceeded to grab my collar and lift me from my seat.

"You're really getting on my nerves extra!!" His words held venom.

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