The big question

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Chapter 30

Its been about 6 years since that day. We've been through some stuff during the years but we've overcome each and every obstacle together. Izuku and I have never been happier.

Izuku is now the number 1 hero, with me being his partner in both literally and in fighting crime.

Bakugou and Izuku have actually become great friends. It's hard to belive that he hated Izu now. Bakugou and Kirishima are now married and have an adopted 2 year old daughter.

They seem to be living their best years. As well as Izu and I. We've always been by each others side.Even when we'd argue, we'd never go to sleep angry, we'd talk about it and come to a mutual agreement that satisfies both parties.

One day Izu and I we're invited for a backyard braai party by Bakugou and Kirishima. We got ready and headed over to their place.

When we arrived we got to see everyone who went to school with us in our class. Mineta was there too and he was so respectful, he never complimented a girl on her feminine features, he just respected them.

I spotted the girls and imidiatly perked up.

"Izu is it ok if I go talk to the girls for a little bit?!" I prectactly jumped.

Izu chuckled a little before answering. "Sure, I need to talk to Kaachan a the guys for a bit."

"Thanks Izu!" I gave him a quick kiss and sprinted over to Mina and the girls.

"LADIES! HOW Y'ALL DOIN!" I ran up to them and engulfed them in a bone crushing hug.

"Y/N!" the girls exclaimed and hugged me back tighter.

"The one and only!" We laughed and separated from the hug.

"Oh My God it's been a while Huh? Look at you!" I guestered to Momo who had a baby bump. Shoto's kid to be exact.

"We'll yes, shoto and I have been very happy!"

"So Tsu? How's everything with mister goth bird?"

She laughed a little before answering. "Everything's perfect actually."

"Ochaco, I heard you and Iida finally got together!" I commented. Her face flushed a deep red before noding her head slightly.

"And Jirou~" I said in a sing-song voice.

"Don't even dare."

"How's mister spark plug?"

"Gosh y/n!" She laughed.

"Mina I know you're happy too!"

"Sero is hella fun to be around, that's for sure!"

"Hagakure, I didn't see you there! How does Ojirou do it?!"" I joked causing everyone to laugh at the horrible, horrible joke.

"He's good in using his other senses, I can never sneak up on him!" She complained. We all laughed and continued catching up with our lives.

"Hey guys let's get in the pool!" Mina suggested.

"Sure!" We agreed and some of the girls got out the swim suits they got at the mall a few years back.

"I can't belive they still fit!" I said.

"Me too!" Uraraka joined.

We got into the pool and Mineta was there. He came up to us and waved.

"Hello ladies, you look amazing today!" He complimented.

"Thanks Mineta!" We thanked him.

"Wow, even Mineta changed." Mina said.

"I like this Mineta!" I added.

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