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Chapter 22

"We've been up all night can we take a break?" It was currently 5 in the morning and we've been up all night.

"But we still have to make matching knife pockets!"

"Toga please I'm tired!"

Shi huffed before mumbling a 'fine' and she walked out of the room.

"Finally." I plopped onto my bed and fell asleep. But after what felt like 5 seconds, someone woke me up by pouring cold water on me.

"Ahhh!" I quickly sat up and tried to warm myself up by covering myself with the blanket, but because it was wet too, it didn't really help much.

"What the hell Koru!!?"

"You've got training remember!? Get up, I'm not waiting for your ass again!"

"Can't you just give me a few more minutes? It's 5 in the fucking morning for crying out loud!"

"I said no, now get up!" He grabbed my arm and yanked me off the bed. O fell to the ground as the force of his pull was strong.

"Get up! I'm done playing around!" He grabbed my arm and yanked me up. He kept his hold on my arm tight and dragged me outside, it was so cold and I was dressed in a wet vest and shorts.

"Begin!" He yelled.

"Wha-" I was cut off by him running to attack me. "Koru this isn't funny, cut it out!"

He ignored me and kept attacking. I still couldn't activate my quirk again, I didn't have any control over it and I didn't know how it works.

"Koru stop this! You're getting out of hand!" He then pulled out a pocket knife and starting swinging at me.

It was hard douging them and trying to talk some sense to him at the same time.

"Koru I said sto-AHHH!" He dug the knife deep into my side. I fell to the ground clenching the wound.

"Grrhhh..Koru wh-why?!"

"Honestly here's the thing." He moved closer to me and crouched down to My level. "I was supposed to be the villain that takes down all might. I was supposed to be the one that gets revenge for all the stuff the heroes have put us through! But noo, you had to come in and ruin everything for me! I was gonna be the one to please all for one! But no! You came in and ruined IT! if I kill you now, I'll have that back!" He's lost it, I'm about to die, FML, so this is how it ends huh? Welp adios. But if there was a way to get out of this, I'll have to try.

Koru raised the knife over my head ready to strike. He then brought it down with full force.

"Wait! Koru!" He stoped only inches away from my head. "I-i don't want this either, you can just let me go and I'll run, I'll hide and you''ll be the one to please all for one!"

"And why would i do that? You'll just tell everyone where our hide out is!" Without warning he brought the knife down once more with full force.

I braced myself for impact but, it never came. I looked up to see Koru unconscious, my quirk was activated, and the knife was bent, it was twisted to the point that it was no longer functional.

"Th-this is my chance!" I flew, I flew away. Cause my quirk also comes with its own suit, I was now dressed in my super suit and it was dry.

I kept flying, not sure as to what direction the city was in. I was miles and miles away from civilisation but regardless of all that, I kept going, I had to get out of here and this was my shot.

(Izuku's POV)

I had been waiting for hours now and at this point it was midnight. But I wasn't ready to sleep knowing that this poser is comming to attack me.

Finally I heard the door creak open, and the poser stepped in. They tried getting to my bed but I quickly pinned them to the wall.

"Who are You!?" I asked sternly, I did not want to wake mom up so I had to be quiet.

"Wh-what do you mean Izuku? It's me y/-"


"Ugh fine, I'm working for the league, I was assigned to kill you while pretending to be y/n."

"So where's y/n now!?"

"She's with the league at the new hide out."

"Where is it?!"

"Why the hell would I tell You?!" I agresivly pressed the imposter further into the wall, so now they were smooshed against the wall even more.

"Fine,fine jeez! It's in the outskirts of town, can you let me go now?!"

"No I'm handing you over to the police and heroes."

"What the-"

"You heard me, and turn back into your true form, you don't deserve to look like that!"

She sighed and started transforming back into her original form. Light surrounded her entire body and soon enough she was transformed back into her original form.

"Is your quirk like Toga's?" I just had to know.

"Not exactly. Like Toga, I can transform into people, and similar to toga I need the person's blood. But, I need a lot more blood than she does, a 5 liter bottle of blood can only last me a day."

"You've been here for 3 days! Thats 15 liters!"

"Good job! You figured it out, you want a medal to go with that!?"

"How bad did you hurt her?!"

"Pretty back, unbelievably, horrifyingly bad!"

I had called all might and informed him about everything. The villain was taken into custody, it's not over yet. I had to find y/n. The actual y/n. My y/n.

I checked the clock and realised it was already 5 am. It's the holidays so I don't have any school. I'll just go find y/n.

'Hold on y/n, I'm comming.'

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