Back in Japan?

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Chapter 36

(Y/n's POV)

It's late at night but I'm still mad and super confused as to why izuku acted the way he did. Every time he'd call, I'd reject it. I'm not ready to talk to him. I need some more time.

As I was walking through the city, I saw a picture of Izuku, Eri and I from the carnival. But...we didn't take it. It was stuck to a window and had Izuku and Eri crossed out, only leaving me.

"What The?" I got a closer look at the picture and examined for anything out of the ordinary. But nothing seemed out of place, well...except for the fact that someone was watching us. By what did they cross out....Oh no Eri and Izu!

I tarted to run back to the hotel but was unexpectedly pulled into an alleyway.

(Izuku's POV)

I must've fallen asleep cause I found myself laying on the couch. I looked around to see if y/n had returned but she wasn't anywhere to be seen.

"Y/n. Where are you?" I panicked a bit. I got back to the living room and noticed a latter on the table.

"That wasn't here before." I took it and inspected it. It had my name on is so I suppose it was mine. But from who? Well I guess I'm about to find out.

I slowly and cautiously open the letter and read through it. It was from Y/n

Dear Izuku

I wrote this letter to tell hi that I'll be moving back to Japan. Your behaviour was unacceptable, and infront of a kid too. I'm sorry I didn't tell you this in person but I really can't face you right now. What you did was disappointing and so unlike you. I'll be living somewhere else there too. Just to take a break for a little while.

From y/n.

"Dang it!" I scrunched up the paper and threw it. "How could I do this? I'm such and idiot! It's all my fault. I should've known better." I plopped onto the couch.

"Daddy?" I turned to the voice and saw Eri standing by the doorway. "Daddy why are you crying?" I didn't even realise that tears were falling.

"...Mommy's gonna be gone for a bit ok? By she'll be back.....I hope." I mumbled the last part to myself. I felt terrible for lashing out like that. Eri and I will leave tomorrow. She's not here anyway.

(Y/n's POV)

"Let me go!!" I struggled against someone who had me pinned to the alleyway wall but all that came from the figure was a dark chuckle.

I didn't wanna risk making quirks known here by using mine so I had to rely on the training we've gone through. I managed to kick the figure of me and he stumbled back.

"Oh you're good. But are you as good as your mother?" The man gave a creepy grin.

"What? How do you know about my mother?!"

"Oh sweet little y/n. I know a lot about your mother." How did he know my name?

"What do you mean?"

"No time for that. I need you y/n. And you'll be comming with me."

"I don't have time for this." I jumped at the man ready to attack but in a swift movement, he had done behind me and got a solid hit on the back of my head with something strong causing me to black out.

(Izuku's POV)

I got Eri to bed and after some struggles here and there, I finally managed to fall asleep. It was hard to sleep without her in my arms. I messed us big time.

(Time skip)

It was now morning and I had packed the bags that had Eri and my things. Y/n didn't take her clothes with her which was weird but I packed them too and headed to the airport.

"Wait Daddy. Where's mommy? You said she'll come Back." Eri pulled and the sleave of my shirt.

I picked her up and kept headed in the direction of the next flight to Japan. "Not right now pup. But she'll be home soon."

She put her head on my shoulder and frowned. I could tell she missed her mom and I missed her too.

The flight home was quiet. Eri had fallen asleep and y/n wasn't there to keep me company. God I fucked up.

"Hey Midoriya?" A voice called from behind my seat.

"Todoroki?" I turned around and noticed Todoroki sitting with his father behind in the seat behind us.

"What are you doing here? An where's y/n?"

"She's mad at me so she went home earlier. I think I ruined it Todoroki." I looked down.

"Don't saythat Midoriya, you've been married for what 6 years?"

"Actually it's 8."

"Buy it's still a lot. What I'm saying is, couples fight but that doesn't mean it's the end. She'll come around eventually she just needs time to cool off."

"Yeah....I guess you're right. Thanks Todoroki."

"No problem."

Also...What are you doing here?"

"Endevour and I had an important meeting."

"That makes sense. It was nice talking to you Todoroki."

"Nice talking to you too Midoriya."

I faced back infront and looked at my sleeping daughter and soon joined her in her slumber.

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