Not so bad after all

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Chapter 3

The plane ride was taking a long time and I ended up falling asleep.

"The plane will be landing soon please be ready for landing."
The announcement seemed to wake me up. So much for sleep huh?

Soon enough the plane had landed and I was in Japan.

"Woah!" I gasped in awe as I took in the beautiful scenery that took place in front of me.

"Y/n?" I heard a voice call out my name and quickly turned around to find.

"GRANDMA!!!" I yelled as  ran over to her and gave a hug so big it could strangle a bear.

"I missed you so much grandma!"

"I missed you too my little dumpling"
I had almost forgotten about the Nick name she had for me. It's been years since I've seen her.

"What are we waiting around for? Come on let's go. I made made a meal to celebrate your visit."

(Time skip)

"Wow that was amazing grandma!" I said as I put the plates in the dish washer.

"Aww you're so sweet."

I cleaned up the kitchen and talked to my grandma for a bit. I soon decided to take a walk around Japan. The day is young after all and I would like to get to know the neighbourhood a little.

After some time of walking and admiring the beautys of Japan. I had completely lost track of time.

"EIGHT PM!!!" I yell as I checked the time on my phone.
'Oh no grandma is gonna be so worried....and or mad...hopefully not mad' I thought as I started bolting back home.

I was about to take a turn when.


I bumped into something or someone. "I'm so so sorry I didn't mean to bump into You!" I looked up to see a boy who looked somewhere near my age with green hair which and eyes. He's face was darted with freckles and his cheeks had a hint of pink which I'm guessing is from the slight imbarrasment.

"No no I'm sorry I Should've watched where I was going forgive me."

The boy gave a somewhat nervous smile. "My name is Izuku Midoriya It's nice to meet you."

"Y/n. Y/n l/n. I'm new here in Japan." Wait did I just tell a stranger that I'm a new caviliian. But he seems trust worthy....I hope.

"Really?! If you want I can show you around sometime" Izuku said with a smile which for some reason made me happier than I already was.

"I would love that thanks. Here. Mind as well give you my number so we can plan the venue and Time."

We then exchanged numbers. He ended up walking me home. Normally I would be against a stranger taking me home but he seemed different.

He left and I shut the door behind me.

"Where have you been young lady!" My grandma sternly asked. She may be a sweet woman but she can be gruesome when needed. And you'd  never wanna upset her.

"Uh-i was getting familiar with my surroundings and I lost track of Time." I gave a nervous laugh.

She gave me a questionable look but didn't push it. We ended up having dinner and I soon fell asleep.

Maybe moving to Japan was a good idea after all. I smiled to myself and I felt sleep take over.

Ok I'm enjoying this WAY more than I Should be. Hope you enjoyed and let's see what happens with y/n next.

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