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Chapter 43

(Y/n's POV)

I woke up with a throbbing pain in my head.

"Where am I?" I asked myself. I tried to get up but realised I was chained to the same metal bed type thing....again. wow couldn't you be any more original.

This situation did leave me rather terrified. A thousand thoughts were going through my head at once.

"Ahh~you're awake!" A voice rang from the door. I turned my head the best I could to view who it was Overhaul.He still had that mask on. He walked over to me and pulled out a chair, placing it right next to me. Then proceeding to take a seat.

"How are you feeling?" He asked but only to receive nothing but silence from me. "Mhmm...not much of a talker huh? I'll wait." He then propped his elbows on the metal table and rested his head on his hands, all while looking at me.

It's been a good five to ten minutes when I couldn't take this awkward silence anymore!!

"What do you want?" I asked in a relatively calm tone.

"Oh, well Angel, I want....You! You see, your quirk, it's perfect and with you I'd like to rule over this filthy city! And together we'll clean this quirk infested town!" He was walking around the metal bed.

"I don't know if you know...but I'm married!"

"Yes. Yes you me at least." He turned to look me in the eyes. What in the frick frack is he planning?!?

"I'm sorry...well I'm not but I am not gonna marry You!! I'm happy with my husband and daughter...And why the hell am I even talking to you!!"

"Language angel!"

"Bullshit!! Let me go!"

"Angel I said STOP!!!"

"No you said 'language angel' and why the hell would I listen to you?!"

"Enough!!" He grabbed my neck and started squeezing. I couldn't breath.

A second later his eyes went wide and he imidiatly pulled away. "Sorry angel! I...don't know what got into me....excuse me." He then left the room.

Did that motherfucker just choke me?!?! A few seconds later a man with a whole ass mask covering his whole face. I recognised him as one of Overhaul's workers or whatever.

He came up to me and untied me. "Overhaul wants you. Get dressed and I'll escort you to the dinning room." He stated while finishing up with the rest of the restraints.

He tossed me a short red sparkly dress at me and left the room but I could see his shadow under the door. Meaning he was still there waiting for me to get dressed.

"B-but it's too short!" I yelled out to him but he didn't answer. I'm not wearing this!!!

A good five minutes went by and I was still sitting on the bed with the dress on my lap, refusing to put it on.

The man came back in with an annoyed grunt that was audible but soon turned into one of anger as he saw that I still wasn't dressed.

"I thought I told you to get dressed!!" He yelled at me.

"And I told you that it's too short."

After another anger filled grunt he started walking up to me. He grabbed the dress and hung it on his shoulder. He turned to me and grabbed the bottom of my shirt.

"HEY!!!! Let go!! W-what are you doing!!?" I was scared as fuck. This was not something I wanted to go through.

"I told you to put this on!" He yelled again as he started to pull the shirt up.

"F-fine!! I'll get dressed just let me go!!" Some tears were building in my eyes. He let go and walks four of the room.

I quickly got dressed not wanting for that to happen again. He came back in a few minutes later and grabbed me by my arm then started pulling me away.

He dragged me into a living room where I found Overhaul sitting at the end of a large table.

"Ahh~finally! Take a seat angel." The man who was pulling me shoved me into a seat next to overhaul."You look so wonderful." Overhaul complimented but I stayed silent.

"Talk to me y/n!" He slammed his hand on the table which startledme a bit causing me to shake too.

"Oh no. I'm sorry Angel! I didn't mean to scare you! Please!" He grabbed my hand and engulfed it in between his. I yanked my hand out of his grip, still shaken a little bit.

"D-dont touch me!"

He moved away in order to give me space. "I understand."

A few minutes later a tray of food was delivered to us by another one of his workers I presume.

We ate in silence until he decided to break the silence.

"Angel?" He asked trying to get my attention.

"My name is y/n." I mumbled angrily.

"Not with me it's not!....what I wanted to say it you and I are going out tonight! I'll have Chrono deliver you another dress."

We finished up in silence. Overhaul got up and grabbed my hand firmly, making it impossible for me to escape and led me to a large door.

He opened the door and revealed a beautiful large room.

"You'll be staying here for now." He announced as he gestured for me to come in. I did and he closed the door behind me and locked me in.

"Good night!" I heard him from the other side of the door.

I got changed into some pajamas I saw in the wardrobe and did my nightly routine.

I then climbed into bed and slowly drifted off to sleep.

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