Free from the league but still stuck

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Chapter 23

(Y/n's POV)

"Come back y/n!" Shigaraki yelled while running after me. I kept running, ignoring the pain that had fully taken over my body.

Dabi picked up his pace, causing me to jolt and run faster. Toga just gave a creepy grin and kept throwing knives in my direction but luckily they missed me by an inch.

I can tell you're wondering how I ended up getting chased by three of the league of villains members, Toga; Dabi and Shigaraki. Well here's the thing.


I was flying, flying away, at last! I didn't know where I was headed but I didn't care. I needed to get out of that place.

"I'm free! I'm free! Im fre-AHHH!!" The same pain, the pain of a thousand electro volts moving all throughout my body hit me.

It caused my quirk to deactivate and I fell to the ground. I looked behind me and noticed one of the top villains, Toga; Dabi and Shigaraki running a few feet behind me.

Shigaraki had the button in his hand. That dreaded button.

I stood up and started running. I was finally free, I wasn't going to go down so easily, Never!

I wasn't as fast without my wings which left me at a disadvantage and giving them a clear advantage.

"Get back here y/n! You don't wanna get hurt now do you?!" Shigaraki yelled but I didn't bother to listen to his command.

I just kept running until I felt that shock again. I fell to my knees.

"Grrhh...I still have that stupid shock colur on." I tried to rip it off but it was no use.

I looked over my shoulder and realised that they were getting closer.

"Fuck it!" I got up and kept running. Shigaraki kept pushing that button but I'd suck it up and keep running

But I knew that this couldn't keep up for long. I'd have to come to a stop and rest or else I might burn out.

~And of flashback~

(Izuku's POV)

'That villain said they we're on the outskirts of town, so if I just keep moving in this direction, I could be able to find fund her.'

I kept walking further and further away from the city. There was no sight of people, including anyone from the league but I can't give up now, I won't give up now.

I kept walking up until I saw a couple of figures up in the distance. They seem to be chasing someone, but they were so far that I couldn't tell. 'It might be y/n!'

I activated one for all and leaped high into the air. I landed closer to the action and noticed that it was y/n. Being chased by the her sleep wear?

(Y/n's POV)

The pain was getting undeniably unbearable. And with all the torture they've put me through, my whole body was damaged.

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