Wait! Did he just?! Nah he didn't

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Chapter 33

After an hour or so and Izu and I have a shit load of snacks!!!

"Oh yeah boii! We gonna eat tonight!!!" I exclaimed as I put th3 last of the snacks in the car.

"We didn't just come for snacks you know." Izu laughed.

"Oh yeah, Eri needs new clothes! Well what are you waiting for? Let's Go!" I pulled Izu back into the mall.

"So much energy!!" He yelled.

"It is what it is!" I yelled back.

We made it to the baby store and started shopping.

"Ok you go left and I'll go right, the one with the best options of clothes wins!!" I challenged Izu.

"You're on!"

And just like that we parted ways.

'Ok, I can do this. I just gotta- Wait! I have and idea! Why didn't I think of these earlier! Stupid!' I face palmed myself and kept looking for Eri's clothes.

(Time skip)

"So let's see yours!" I exclaimed to Izu, we were nearing the door ready to exit. We had bought the clothes but we still had the competition going until we we're completely outside.

"Sure!" He pulled open the bag that has Eri's clothes and oh my god!!!!

"Sure!" He pulled open the bag that has Eri's clothes and oh my god!!!!

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