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I have something to talk about...Well more like rant about. Why tf does almost every anime character x reader, the reader is always so fucking short. Like damn us tall mfs wanna shine too. Sorry for my rant. But I'm just hurt man. I'm planning on writing a Deku x tall reader next. Btw.

Chapter 19

"This place is nice."

"Yeah, way better than the old place."

"But it's not underground like our old place, so people could find us easier!"

"True but we are miles away from civilisation and no one comes here. They won't even think to look here."

"Oh ok!"

I heard voices talking. I felt myself regaining consciousness

"Ooh~she's awake!" I heard a girl voice exclaim.

"Toga, take y/n to her room. She needs the rest, training starts in 5 hours!" I head the all too familiar raspy voice command.

"Ok Shigaraki!"

The girl took my arm and brought me to my feet. " Hey I'm Himiko Toga! I can tell that we'll be best friends!"

She kept pulling me around until we found a door labeled 'room 217'. "Here's your room y/n! It's right next to my room!" The girl boomed.

I stayed silent, too scared to say anything that might set her off. I didn't know anyone here, nor did I know what they're like, and what could set them off. So I had to play it safe and the safetest option for now is too keep quiet and just observe.

I got into the room, it was quiet descent really. There was a nice comfy looking bed, a window seat by the window, a medium sized wardrobe, a big mirror right over a little desk and chair and a door that led to the bathroom.

"There are some clothes for you, they're in the wardrobe!" With that she left my room. I got changed into some baggy pants and an oversized T-shirt I found in the wardrobe and plopped on the bed. The moment my head made contect with the pillow I was out like a light.

(A few hours later)

"Awake up brat!" I was splashed with cold water and instantly sat up.

"Wh-what was th-that f-for!?" I asked, I was shivering due to the cold water.

"Wake up its time for training brat!" I got a closer look at my offender and realised it was...Koru. *insert eye roll*

"C-comming. A-nd who am I-i t-training anyway?"


"What the!"

"I'm not happy about this too. Now get up I don't wanna spend anymore time with you than I have to." He rolled his eyes.

He left the room and I quickly got changed into my suit. Toga gave me a new one saying that "The old one didn't make you look villain enough"

 Toga gave me a new one saying that "The old one didn't make you look villain enough"

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