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Chapter 42

"Goodbye Eri!!"

"This doesn't have to be goodbye! We'll visit each other.....right?" Eri looked over to Izu and I. We nodded our heads and returned back to her best friend.

"Y-yeah! And we'll video call all the time! And! And you can keep This!" Alex reached into her backpack and pulled out a doll, she and Eri would play with.

"You're giving it to me?"

"Yeah! So you can have something to remember me by!"

"And you can have this!" Eri expanded her hands which had her favourite doll.

The girls shared their final goodbyes and so did the adults.

"Goodbye Kaachan! It's been a wild ride."

"Been? Man I'm always a wild ride!" Bakugou gave a grin and pointed his thumb to himself.

"You sure are!" Kirishima laughed and-Hol' up! Is Bakugou blushing?! It's faint but it's there. What did Kirishima New- Never mind.

"Shut up!!" Bakugou yelled causing Kirishima to laugh.

"I'm gonna miss you two!" I ran over to then and engulfed them in a spin crushing hug.

"We'll...Miss you...two...."

"Y-....yeah..." the two males struggled to breath out.

"Whoops sorry!" I let them go and enjoyed our final moments. Not exactly final moments cause we could visit or they could come back or something. And Eri would love that.

Izu, Eri and I went out to have lunch. We went into a restaurant and got seated in a table for three.

"What would you want to order sweety?" I looked at Eri.

"I'm not really hungry....I'll just have some nuggets or something." She sadly spoke.

"I know it's gonna be hard away from Alex sweety, but you've got us. And Lilly's there for you."

"Yeah....I guess you're right."

We all ordered and started eating, with some little chit-chat here and there. Eri was sill sad but a little bit uplifted by the fact that she had her little fluffy puppy waiting home for her.

Halfway into our lunch, the door busted open, revealing a man with a weird mask that seemed to be the shape of a large beak. He had other people walking behind him.

Izu tensed up instantly and pulled Eri and I under the table. We could hear people panecinc and running around.

"What's going on dad?"

"Yeah. Izu what's going on?" Eri and I looked over to Izu.

"That's overhaul. A dangerous villain. He is not one to mess with, and his men are strong too. So we've got to be careful."

"Wh-What?!" Eri started shaking.

"Y/n take Eri and exit out the back door!" He commanded.

"N-no I can't leave You! What if you get hurt!?"

"Just go y/n!"

Not having much time to argue I picked Eri up and peaked through the table clothe and Overhaul was distracted. I quickly got up and bolted to the kitchen where the back door would be located.

Almost there. I was almost at the kitchen door when someone grabbed me by the back of my shirt and pulled me back causing me to fall and let go of Eri.

"Eri run!!" I commanded and she imidiatly ram through the door. Hopefully she's safe.

I looked up noticed I was pulled by that Overhaul character.

"Now where do you think you're going?"

"What do you want!?"

"You angel!" He pulled me up and pushed me back. As I stumbled back I got pushed against someone big!

I looked up and saw this huge dude. He put his arms around my form keeping me restrained.

"Let her go!!!" Izu's voice rang. He was running towards the guy who was holding me down with his quirk activated.

"Izu watch out!!!" I yelled out but it was too late. Another one of Overhaul's men hit him with large metal bat and helped consciousness on the spot.

"IZU NOO!!!" I struggled against the guy restraining me.

(Izuku's POV and time skip)

I woke up to my daughter crying besides me in the destroyed and empty restaurant.

"E...Eri?" I got up and rubbed where I was hit. But it didn't hurt. Eri must've used her quirk.

"DAD!!" She threw herself in my arms. "Dad mom's gone!! They took her!!"

What!!!? They..they took her? No!! No I need to get her back! This can't be happening! We were so happy not long ago, why is this happening to us!!?

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