Day out

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Chapter 4

I woke up the next morning to the smell of...pancakes?

I walked down stairs to find my grandma cooking. I almost forgot that she wakes up super early for some reason.

"Hey grandma!"

"Oh hi sweety! I made breakfast,go wash up first!"

I quickly washed my hands and went over to the kitchen and got myself a plate full of pancakes. I looked over to the fridge and decided to decorate my stack.

I pulled out the syrup, strawberries and ice cream. This should be fun.

I first drizzled the syrup all over the pancakes. I cut a strawberry in half and placed it neatly over the drizzled stack. I then took a scoop of ice cream.....and shoved it in my mouth.
Then I took 2 more scoops and placed them on the pancaked.

"Perfect." I whispered to my self as I push the tub of ice aside and rubbed my hands together while licking my lips.

(After breakfast)

"OH MY GAWD! THAT WAS SO GOOD!!" I yelled as I picked up my plate and walked to the dish washer.

"I'm glad you liked It." Grandma said with a slight chuckle.

"Oh yeah that reminds me! Hey Grandma?" She hummed in response that she was listening.

"I made a friend yesterday...I think! And he planned on showing me around."

"That's nice of him. Did you Catch his name by any chance?"

"His name is Midoriya." Midoriya. That name was stuck in my head for a while now.

"That's nice swee-" she was cut off by the door bell ringing.

"Oh it must be him. Excuse me!" I said as I made my way over to the door.

"Hey Midoriya!" I said as I watched the male.

"Hey y/n. I hope you're ready and...sorry for not warning you about my visit." He said the last part while looking down.

"Hey it's ok. I was just about to call you so it's not a problem."

He gave out a sigh of relief and then a gentle smile.

"You look good Midoriya." I complimented.

"Oh thanks you look good too." He replied.

(This is what you had on

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(This is what you had on. You can change it to whatever you like if you don't like it or don't like skirts and dresses. And I'm sorry if you don't)

We walked out the door but not before I said goodbye to my grandma and gave her a hug.

"Goodbye grandma!"

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