Married life

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Chapter 31

"Mommy! Daddy! Play the song! Play the song!" Our 6 year old daughter Eri yelled.

I turned up the volume and started to play our song.

"But you'll never be alone I'll be with you from dusk till dawn I'll be with you from dusk till dawn, baby I'm right here!" The song played.

"I'll hold you when things go wrong, I'll be with you from dusk till dawn. I'll be with you from dusk till dawn." Izu sang along.

"Baby I'm right here!" I joined looking at Izu who was carrying our daughter.

"I'll be with you from dusk till dawn!" Eri sang. I pulled them both into a hug.

"Baby I'm right here!" We sang in unison and pulled each other closer.

Izu and I have been married for 8 years and have a 6 year old daughter named Eri.

We've been happy as a little family. We've always been there for her, and Eri would always play with Bakugou and Kirishima's daughter. She is 12 years old and is planning on being Eri's hero.

They'd always have sleepovers and just have fun together. And it was always so cute to watch them play.

Every one from school still keeps in touch and has some occasional braais at Bakugou's house.

It was now night time and Eri was over at Bakugou's place for another sleep over.

"Puppy? Puppy? Where are you?" Izu asked while walking around our bedroom.

I was currently hidding in the closet trying my best not to make a sound.

"Mhmmm? Oh, remember the time Eri thought flies were mosquitos?" He said while still looking around trying to get me to make a sound.

I let out a snort, 'Eri was terrified of flies cause she thought they'd suck her blood! Damn you Izu tryna make me laugh!'

"Aha!" Izu exclaimed as he swang open the closet door, revealing me.

I pounced at him and hugged him. He cought me but stumbled back a bit.

"Found ya!" He laughed.

"Your face looks very kissable." I said before placing butterfly kissed all over his face.

He chuckled and I pulled away.

"Well.." he trailed off and stared at my lips. "Your lips look very kissable." He then moved our faces and connected our lips. He gave a short sweet but passionate kiss and soon pulled away.

"I love you Izu!" I layed my head on his chest and let out a yawn

"Let's get you to bed." He walked over to our bed and placed me down gently, he then climbed into the bed. His chest was pressed against my back.

I rolled over so now I was facing him. He put his arms around me and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Goodnight Puppy." He whispered staring into my sleepy eyes.

"Night Izu." I yawned.

(Time skip)

"Mornin, Izu." I groaned as I struggled to open my eyes. I reached my hand to grab my husband but there was nothing there.

"Izu? Izu where are you?" (Oh how the turn tables)I got up from bed and started looking around the house. " Izu! Where you At?" I yelled. But silence.

Anxiety hit and I started speeding to the front door. But before I could reach the door I was hit.......with a delicious smell.

'Huh?' I turned to the kitchen and bolted- I mean calmly walked in.

Izu was there, making breakfast.

"Izu?" I asked to get his attention.

"Oh puppy! You're awake!" He came up to me and gave me a hug along with a kiss on the cheek.

"I thought I'd make breakfast today, I've just finished. Go get a seat and I'll bring it to you." He ordered.

Not wanting to eat in the kitchen,I made my way to the living room, and sat on the sofa.

"Here you Go!" I heard Izu announce from behind me. I turned around and noticed the 2 plates filled with pancakes. "I gotta get some ice cream, syrup and some strawberries and or blue berries. He then headed over to the fridge and got the toppings.

He came back and sat next to me, we placed our plates of the table.

"Hand me the ice cream scoop." I ordered in a serious tone. Izu laughed and handed it to me. "Stand back." I said with the same tone. Izu moved back a bit and watch the master at work.

"Tahduhhh!!" I exclaimed as I showed Izu the beautiful creation, and did some jazz hands

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"Tahduhhh!!" I exclaimed as I showed Izu the beautiful creation, and did some jazz hands.

"That's a lot of ice cream!"

"It's ice cream!!! If you ask me, I say it's too little!!" I exclaimed. "Now do you want some or not!!"

He laughed and took his stack and I fell in love with my stack.

"You're lucky these don't last or I would've married them instead." I said with a mouth full of pancake and ice cream.....and berries dipped in syrup.


"You heard me! So be happy that you aren't edible!"

He laughed and continued eating.

"So we still up for the mall later?" He asked.

"Yup, I wanna get Eri some new clothes!"

We finished breakfast and took a shower. We got dressed and headed to the car. We drove off. Eri would be at Bakugou's for about a week, that's how it's always been. When one of them were to visit, they would stay for a week or so.

We finally made our the mall and made our way inside.

"Remeber when we first went here together?" Izu asked.

"How could I forget, you in your wedding vows." I blushed at the memory of the wedding. "I can't belive I'm married to this man." I thought out loud.

"I cant belive I'm married to this queen!" He exclaimed while pulling me into a side hug.

"So what store should we hit first?" I asked.

"Mhmmm....Well we could go to the-"

"Never mind! We're gonna get snacks, a lot of em!"

"Uhhh? Sure!"

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