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Chapter 10

"Ok, time to go. Are you ready y/n?" Izuku says while holding the door for me to pass through. "As ready as I'll ever be." 

We we're going to my house to collect all my clothes and inko was going to get me the U.A uniform.

(Time skip)

"Welp, here we are!" Izuku sighs while looking up at my grandma's house.

I didn't have the courage to look at it.

And regarding my grandma, Mrs Midori- I mean Inko had ordered for her chopped up pieces to be sewed back together and cremated.

I took a deep breathe and used the spare key I kept with me to open the door.

We walked to my old room in silence and started packing my stuff.

"Uh can I...can I use the restroom?" Izuku said quietly but loud enough for me to hear.

"Yeah sure."

He left the room leaving me alone with the memories of my gr-..her. I didn't wanna think about it.

I walked around the room and on the floor I noticed.

The toy horse my grandma gave to me when I came over for a visit as a kid

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The toy horse my grandma gave to me when I came over for a visit as a kid.

"I thought I lost this!" I gasped while dropping down to pick it up.

I checked the sides of the horse to see if it's still there.

"It's still here." I mumbled as I saw the words 'I love my dear little dumpling' engraved on the horse. Then I was hit with the memory of how I got this horse.


"Granny!Granny!" I yelled while jumping up and down to show my excitement.

"What is it sweety?"

"Look at the toy horse! Can I have it pleeaaaassee!!??" I whined while flashing her the puppy dog eyes.

"Aww, you're so cute but I'm sorry sweety I can't."

"Awee!" I whined and pouted.

"Come on let's go home."

We made it home and grandma started cooking dinner.

(Time skip:a few days later)

"Come on! Open it!" I was back home in America and my grandma had come over to celebrate my 6th birthday.

"Ok!Ok!" I said as I teared the last gift I was given.

I finally got the box open to reveal..."Granny you got me the horse!?"

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