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Chapter 8

It was now the end of the week and Izuku and I had made a plan to get to the warehouse.

"You got the supplies?" I asked holding on the the door so he could pass through.

"Yup! Let's hurry before it gets dark."

We got on a cab that led us to the end of the city. We had to hike the rest of the way but I couldn't care less.

"We're here!" I whispered over to Izuku.

"Are you ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be."

The giant doors were cracked open making it easy for us to slid through.

"Come on." I whispered while spotting another door on the other side of the room.

We made sure to keep our steps light as to not alert anyone that might be there...especially criminals but Izuku called them villains for some reason.

We finally made it to the door.

"Let's go in." I pushed the door open. The room was dark.

"Pass me a flashlight!" I whispered to Izuku, who then reached into his bag and pulled out two flashlights.

"Here!" He said as he handed me one.

I turned it on and started looking around the room.

The room consisted of tons of boxes. They were everywhere. We managed to get across the room without knocking any boxes over.

"Come on Izuku we gotta f-" I let out a terrified gasp and my flashlight fell out of my hands. I covered my mouth with both hands as the sight in front of me left me in disbelief.

"Y-y/n What is it." Izuku asked from behind me.

Izuku then got in front of me and his face droped to horror as he saw..my grandma's body parts cut up and scattered in a pile.

The urge to throw up ingulfed both of us.

I fell to my knees as the realization of the thing I  hopped wouldn't happened most was now flashed before my eyes.

I couldn't keep it in. The flood gates had opened and they were not planning to close anytime soon.

I realised the most inhuman cry known to man and I couldn't stop.I wouldn't stop. I didn't stop.

(Izuku's POV)

Oh My God. There she was...lying dead on the floor,body scattered in pieces.

I looked over at y/n who was on the floor. My heart ached at this.

How could anyone hur-....I heard a noise comming from behind us.

It was faint but it sounded like someone was...laughing.

I turned around and saw nothing. Y/n hadn't heard the noise as she was mourning.

I decided I should investigate the noise alone and not bother her.

The laughing stopped but I felt someone's presence near.

I went outside the building to see if someone was there. But I couldn't see anything.

I felt a force collide with the back of my head and I stumbled to the ground.

When I looked up I saw this man looking at me with a creepy smirk.

"Who are you!"

He just stayed silent.

"Who are you!?"


I got up and activated one for all. I didn't have time for this. Y/n needs me and I have to be there for her.

The man charged at me with with remarkable speed. But thanks to one for all, I was able to block his attack.

But when I turned to face him again....he was gone. I tried looking for him but it was like he had vanished into thin air.

No time to think about that. I have to get back to y/n.

I reached the room she was in but it was silent. I couldn't hear her painful sobs which alarmed me. I ran up to where I last saw her and found her lying uncounsious on the floor.

'She must've cried a little too much.' I carried he bridal style and my way back to her place, leaving her grandma...or what's left of her grandma behind.

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