Th-this can't be the end!!

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Chapter 43

(Izuku's POV)

It's been three days and y/n hasn't been found. Eri hasn't been doing well either. She's isolated herself from everyone except Lily.

I haven't been doing much hero work lately, I've devoted my time to finding y/n. If only I knew where they were keeping her.

I had looked through every inch of the city, even around the outskirts but there weren't any leads.

Suddenly as I was pondering in my failure, I got a call. It was from Kachaan! I told him about y/n and asked him to inform me if he fo7nd anything. Hopefully he found something.

"Hello Kachaan! Did you find her!? Is she OK! Come on talk to me!"

"Calm down Deku! We haven't found her yet....but we did fund one of Overhaul's men. We're gonna take him in for interrogation."

"Really?! I'll come over with Eri! Keep him secure!"

"Yeah sure. I hope you're doing ok dude. You gotta take care of yourself. I can tell you're stressed out and you're panicked, we all are. But please take care of yourself!"

"Sure Kachaan! We'll be there in 2 hours!"

"But it's a 6 hour drive how are you gonna-"

"We'll be there in 2 hours goodbye!" I hung up and rushed to get changed.

"ERI!! get dressed we're going to meet up with uncle Bakugou and uncle Kirishima!" I yelled for her and imidiatly heard shuffling from her room.

I got changed and we got into the car. Not having time to follow the stop light regulation of any rules of the roads I buckled Eri up and took off full speed to Kachaan.

(2 hours later)

"Kachaan!!" I ran up to him who was standing right outside his house.

"Hey Deku-"

"Where's the guy?!"

"He's inside in the prison room. (A hero's gotta have a prison room right. •_•)

"Eri!!" Alex's voice yelled as she ran out of the house. Eri jumped out of the car and ran up to her beat friend who then embraced her.

"ERI!!! I missed You!"

"I..missed you too Alex."

"What's wrong Eri?"


"Dad?" Alex looked at Kachaan as if looking for an explanation.

"Eri's taken away..but We'll find her! Go play with Eri while we talk OK?" Kachaan tried his best to sound calm.

Alex took Eri's hand and led her to her bedroom and they started catching up. Eri seemed to be cheered up a little bit.

Kachaan took me to the prison room where we found the guy chained up to a chair in a cell.

"Where are they!?" I yelled but only to receive silence. "I said where are They?!" I ran up to the cell but was stopped by Kachaan.

"Leave it Deku. We've got ways of making him talk."

He then went to the other end of the room and pressed a red button.

At first I was confused but then heard the man screaming in pain.

"Now will you tell us where they Are?" Kachaan asked in a sly tone.

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