This isn't y/n

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(Most of this chapter is gonna be in Izuku's POV)

Chapter 20

We soon reached home and I sat y/n down on the couch.

"How're you feeling y/n?"

"I'm good bro!"


"Oh uh...Izuku! Sorry, it's what I called my male friends back home."

"Oh, ok. You should get some rest now."

She laid on the couch and shut her eyes. I had y/n back, she was right here, but...why does this feel wrong? Like I'm missing something? But I quickly brushed it off. Of course this is y/n who else could it be?

I left the living room to give her some peace and quiet.

"How is she?" Mom asked, she's been worried about y/n a lot. But she wouldn't let it show, she was trying to be strong.

"She's fine!" I flashed a smile.

I was in my room, on my phone then I heard a knock at my door.

"Hey Izuku can I come in?" It was y/n.

"Sure!" She came in my room and looked around as if it was her first time in here.

"Geez you're such a fan, how could you have so much all might stuff?"

"Y/n,you're acting strange. Just the other day you said you liked how I would get excited over all might, now you're mocking me?"

"Well I lied, no one, and I mean no one, should like all might this much!"

"Is there a reason you came here or are you just here to mock me?" This is a first, I thought she was nice, why would she act so mean?

"Actually yes, I was wondering if we could go to the mall, I need to take care of something."

"Sure, let's go, do you want me to give you one of my hoodies?" I offered, maybe it'll help her calm down.

"Ew, no thanks! I'll be fine on my own thanks!"

"Oh...Ok." y/n would never refuse to wear one of my hoodies. I've got a bad feeling about this.

We walked to the mall in silence, y/n walked ahead of me, she seemed to be in a rush.

We finally got to the mall.

"I gotta go. Don't follow me!" He commanded. Her tone harsh, this was a side to y/n that I didn't know, and I didn't really like.

She walked away into that far back of the mall, against her better judgment, I followed her. I know it's stupid but I had a bad feeling about this whole situation and I had to get to the bottom of it.

She finally stoped in a dark corner where there were a lot less people around.

I hid behind a vending machine which was not too far from her. A few seconds later, some guy in a hoodie came up to her, the hoodie was covering his face and he had on long jeans which covered every inch of his legs. He had his hands in his pockets and faced y/n.

"So what did you call me here for?" Y/n asked. She seemed pissed. What business does she have with him?

"Did you kill him? Y/n just discovered it so the second faze of our plan can be put into action as soon as she wakes up."

"I haven't killed him yet, but tonight is the night all might's successor, Izuku Midoriya will die. And as for y/n, won't she just straight up go phsyco on us when she realised that we killed him?"

"Toga has some of his blood from previous fights and twice can just make a clone, she'll never find out. And soon you'll be comming back to the league and stop with the y/n look."

"Finally! Living like this is torture! I can't wait to actually get back. So how's y/n doing right now?"

"She's uncounsious again but she'll be up by dinner."

"Thanks Dabi!"
The man left and y/n-i mean who ever that was started walking to where they left me.

I quickly ran back before they could. So that wasn't y/n, whoever they are wants me dead, and they still have y/n with them, and what did she discover?

Y/n 2.Fake and I walked home. The silence still hovering in the air. We soon made it home and I left for my bedroom. 'Kill me huh? We'll see about that!'

I planned on staying there until they came to attack me.

(Y/n's POV)

"How was dinner y/n?!" Toga asked carrying my plate away. I was tied to my bed, apparently since I've discovered my quirk they fear that I'll try to escape and succeed. But I couldn't use my quirk any more, I couldn't so what I did when it was activated.

Toga came back to my room.

"We're having a sleep overrrr!!!"


"You heard me, we're having a sleep over." She had her night wear on and even a bag.

"What's with the bag?"

"Just some supplieswe're gonna need."


"Yeah!We're gonna be painting each others nails! And do each others makeup, and do each others hair, and tell each other scary stories, and talk about boys, and play games, and play dress up, and see who can sing better, and have a dancing competition, and eat a lot of snackes, and mess witb the guys, and tell each other our darkest secrests, and have a fashion show, and have some target practice with my pocket knives, and- "

"I get it! I get it Toga, we'll be doing a lot of things."

She then untied me so I could actually do those activities with her. I didn't have a chance to escape so why even bother and end up hurt....or worse.

She tossed me a nighttime outfits which consisted of a vest and some night shorts.

"Ohhhh~ you look good y/n!!"

"Thanks, look goo too."

"Awww, Thanks!"

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