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Chapter 18

I tried to open the latch but it was locked. 'Think Izuku. Think!' Hey I could use one for all.

(3rd person's POV)

Izuku used 5 percent of one for all and had a solid grip on the latch. He then yanked it hard but not hard enough to make much noise.

(With y/n)

"She's uncounsious again." Koru explained to shigaraki."We should use a different method boss. She won't join if we just torture her." He continued.

"Hmm. Maybe if we torture someone she cares about." Shigaraki mumbled to himself," but who?"

There was a brief silent that was interrupted by a long bang. The two males directed their attention to the direction of the sound.

"What the?" They mumbled.

"Where's y/n!" A loud voice erupted.

"Well if it isn't all might's successor." Shigaraki started. "Nomu!"

All of a sudden, the giant bird creature busted into the room. "Get the boy!" Shigaraki ordered.

Nomu then charged at Izuku ready to knock him unconscious. But Izuku acted fast, he douged the attack by using one for all to jump high in the air away from the nomu.

Nomu kept trying to attack him but he just kept douging his attacks, trying to think of a way to get y/n.

He landed next to the chair that y/n was strapped in and examined the cruel shape she was left in.

There were cuts and wounds from some of the tortures she was getting, even some deep cuts and wounds from being stabbed.

A few tears escaped Izuku's eyes at the sight of y/n badly injured to the point where she was uncounsious.

As he was distracted by y/n's gruesome state, the nomu had ran at him at full speed. Not having any time to make a move, Izuku was knocked into the wall head first. The coalition managed to knock him unconscious.

"Good job nomu. Now Koru, tie him up!"

Koru tied Izuku up in some chains that was hanging from the ceiling. So now he was also dangling. While he was uncounsious I might add.

*spongebob narrator voice* (a few hours later)

"Wake up!" Koru smacked y/n across the face, she jolted and was woken up. "Finally you're awake!" He rolled his eyes.

(Y/n's POV)

I realised I wasn't strapped into that chair and I didn't have that shock helmet on. I was sitting in a semi-dark room but my feet and arms were changed into a chair. 

"Shigaraki, she's awake!" He yelled out. In the distance you saw shigaraki comming your way.

"What do you want."

"I've been telling you what I want for weeks, but you've never listened. So maybe this will help."

He they pressed a button and I heard the rustling of chains comming from above. I looked up to see Izuku hanging from the cileing tied up with chains. He struggled to get out but there was No use.

"IZUKU!!" his attention was then brought to me.

"Y/N! You're awake! Are you ok!?"

"Izuku what are you doing here? it's not safe!"

"I came for you!"

"Uhh...we're right here!" Koru interrupted.

"What did you do to him!?"

"Nothing...for Now." Shigaraki started. "Join the league now y/n. Or your precious little friend here dies!"

"Don't do it y/n!" I heard Izuku yell.

"I would never join the league of villains Tomura! You hear me? NEVER!"

"So be It. Koru! Lower the child!"

Koru then lowered Izuku so that he was only a few inches of the ground now. Shigaraki put 4 fingers on Izuku's neck.

"If you don't know about my quirk, it's called decay. I can turn anything I touch with all 5 fingers into dust. That includes your little friend here."

"N-no don't do it! Don't hurt him!"

"Then join us y/n! JOIN US!"

"Y/n Don't do it, you shouldn't do this please!" Izuku yelled.

"SHUT UP!" Shigaraki lashed out. He had suddenly grabbed a hold of Izuku's neck with all 5 fingers.

"IZUKU NO!!" I yelled as I watched him turn into dust In front of my very eyes.

"I-Izuku!" I cried out not even trying to hold back the tears. I had lost him. He's gone, and it's all my fault!

Shigaraki chucked. "Bring him in Koru!" He yelled out.

Then I head a chair being dragged into the room. In the chair was....Izuku?

"I-IZUKU! H-how? How is this possible I just watched you turn t-to dust!" I cried out.

Izuku was in terrible condition. He had cuts and bruises all over his body.

"Y/n! You're ok!" He yelled back. "What did you do to her?!" He turned to Shigaraki noticing that I was crying.

"Oh nothing. We just used one of Twice's clones of you to show her what I'm willing to do in order to get what I want!" He then turned to me. "So y/n are you ready to join the league or do you still wanna see your friend die...again!"

"Don't do it y/n!" Izuku yelled.

"I don't wanna see you hurt Izuku! I-i have no choice!" I cried out. Shigaraki gave a creepy grin.

"No y/n! I don't want to loose you. You can't join them.

"Izuku I don't wanna loose you! I can't watch you die again. I just can't. I'm sorry!"

"Perfect~" Shigaraki said to himself."Koru. Make sure you take our guest out."

Koru knocked Izuku out cold and dragged him out. Probably out of the base.

"Well since he knows where we are, we're gonna have to move!" A voice sounding from the shadows. A man who looked to be burnt and had staples stapled into his body came into view.

"Yes you're right. We leave tomorrow. Dabi, tell everyone to pack up!" Shigaraki ordered. The burnt man who I guess is named Dabi left.

"Now y/n, it's time for some rest. Your training starts when we get to the new base." I then felt something make hard contect to my head and soon blacked out.

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