Izu No!!

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Chapter 38

(Y/n's POV)

It's been three days and I haven't found a way out of this place. He had used the blood he collected to study my quirk or whatever.

I hadn't been fed wrong this time and have grown slightly skinny. I always wanted to loose weight. I always joke in serious situations, that's one of my downfalls.

"Your quirk is very powerful y/n." The man who had revealed his name, or what seems to be his code name to be fright. Stupid. I still didn't know what his quirk was and he seemed to have devious plans going on. He then left the room to do other things I wasn't aware of.

Out of no where a thought about Izu and Eri popped up in my head. God I miss them. Izu was right, I was acting stupid. He didn't know what was going on so he has all right to be that worried. I feel like shit.

Without realising, tears where streaming down my face and onto the metal table thing I was strapped to.

'I have to get back to them!' Getting the sudden encouragement to move on, I started shifting my arms and legs in the chains. I had been doing this ever since I got here and I'm pretty sure the chains have gotten the tiniest bit loose over the days. The was a chance I could get out of here. It was small but I'll take it!

I harshly pulled at the chains and with a last and violent tug, the chains snapped apart giving me the opportunity to escape.

'Yes!' But it was a short waited victory, a second later the alarms rang. 'Dang it!' I got off the metal bed and imidiatly collapsed onto the floor.

I was so weak from laying on that thing for so long. But I managed to get up and started running in the direction of the exit.

I the  realised I was somewhere in an abandoned mine. Gotta be careful or this whole place will come down.

I couldn't use my quirk cause that damn fright dude put some quirk erasing necklass on me. Everytime if try to get it off, I'd get shocked.

I kept running around the tunnels then out of no where Fright came out and stopped me in my tracks. Fuck.

"Thought you'd escape huh?" He chuckled at my failed attempts to get out of this hell hole. "You're stuck here y/n! There's no escape!" He was now doing the same old maniacle laugh he'd always do.

He was about to attack me when out of nowhere Izuku punched him into the tunnel walls causing it to shake. He had Eri oh his back.

"IZU!!" I ran up to him and embraced him. "Izu I'm so sorry! I should've told you what was going on and...and I shouldn't have acted the way I did! I'm so sorry!" I was crying into his chest.

"Hey. Hey it's ok. You don't have to beat yourself up. You're safe Now." He put his arms around me and Eri got off of him and sqeezed herself in the middle of us. We shared a peaceful moment before I noticed fright running towards Izu with a large sword in hand ready to strike him.

I quickly moved Izu and Eri so my back was facing fright. But before he made contact, I felt Izu grabbing me and switching positions.

"NO!!" I yelled as I could hear the sound of the sword pearceing through skin. I hesitantly looked up....Fright had his sword go through Izuku.....it...it was long enough to...to Cut through Eri as well. "NOOO!!!" fright had moved away with that sinister grin on his face bathing as I ran up to them.

"Izu! Eri! No no no no no no! This can't be happening! Please! Pleaseee!!!" I cried as blood was flowing from both my husband and my daughter.

I heard fright laughing in the background and was filled with burning hatred. I got up and put my hands on the necklass and started pulling at it. It shocked me but I didn't let go. I pulled harder as the shocking grew more intense. I let out a scream as I finally got that thing to snapped into pieces.

I panted, out of breath and anger. I looked over at fright to see he had on a serious expression, he knew how powerful my quirk is and he knows how far I'll go.

It's on fright.

(Izuku's POV. 3 days ago)

We got home and headed to our house. Y/n wasn't there, as she said in the letter.

"Daddy? Where's mommy?" Eri looked up at me with sad eyes.

"She'll be home soon pup. She'll be home soon." I hope what I was saying is true. I don't wanna loose her.

It was already night time so I put Eri to bed and did the same thing.

The next morning I made breakfast for me and Eri.

"I wish mommy was here. I want pancakes. Her special pancakes." Eri looked sad. She had teary eyes and her lip quivered. "I miss mommy!" She burst out in tears and I imidiatly ran to her side and pulled her close. She cried into my chest.

'This can't go on like this. I need to get y/n back.'

Later that day I took Eri to school. She had taken a few days off to go to America but she would catch up with the class.

Mean while I headed over to Mom's place. She let me in and sat me on the table with some tea in hand.

"Mom has y/n come over lately? She should be here or maybe in a hotel or something."

"No son I haven't seen here in quit a bit. Is there a problem?"

"No...I'm just looking for her and k can't seem to find her."

We talked for a bit and I left to search the hotels and any other place she could've gone.

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