Where's grandma!?

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Chapter 6

After calming down Midoriya and I went down stairs. Knowing my grandma she would always be up early to have breakfast ready.

But I wasn't hit with the smell of breakfast I would normally get when I wake up while staying with grandma.

"Grandma!?" I called out facing the direction of her room. But there was No reply.

"Grandma?!" I started walking towards her room and my voice cracked a little at the thought of losing my grandma too.

I finally made it to her bedroom and knocked to make sure I wasn't overreacting. But after not getting any response from the other side I grew worried.

I opened the door and hurridly got into her room, Izuku following after.

The room was empty. Fear started to take over as the only thought that occupied my mind was 'What if she was kidnapped or..or worse...killed.'

Izuku noticed my clearly unsettled face.

"It's gonna be ok. We can go out looking for her." He said trying to made me feel better. I simply nodded my head my head as tears silently fell off my face to the floor as the fear of losing my grandma kept crawling it's way back to the top of my head.

I took a quick shower not bothering to do my hair or makeup(for those who apply makeup.)And got dressed in some good running clothes in case it may be necessary. Izuku not having any clothes,put on the clothes he got from the mall yesterday.

Not having the time or apettiete to deal with breakfast, we ran out the front door and began our search.

We first headed to the police station to file a missing person report, but they refused to help us saying that we should wait 48 hours in order to file a report. I couldn't belive this.

We decided to take matters into our own hands. We first made some missing person posters and hanged them all over the neighbourhood.

We then hanged them in the park, the mall, around the cinema and around several parking lots.

"We need to find her!" I whined while dragging Izuku and holding on the the last few posters we had left.

It had started raining the wind blew the last few posters away.

I tried to run after them by with no avail. They...they were gone.

I didn't know where to look. We've been looking around while passing posters all day and I was horrified of the idea of losing the last person I considered family to me.

My knees grew weak and I found it hard to stand. I fell to my knees on the cold,hard and now,wet cement.

I let out a blood curdling scream as tears uncontrollably fell from my face. The loud rain muffled my cries so no one besides Izuku who was next to me with his arms around my broken could here me.

(Time skip to when you get home)

Izuku took me home and unfortunately had to leave cause he had school the following day. I walked over to my bedroom not even bothered to make dinner. I had lost my appetite. I flopped onto my bed not knowing what I could do next.

But I wasn't ready to loose my grandma. I laid my body in a starfish position as I started at the ceiling.

I noticed something from the corner of my eye. It looked to be a piece of paper being blown by the  from my A.C./Fan

I must be a clue or something. I got up from my bed and walked up to the piece of paper and picked it up before it had the chance to move again.

I unfloded it and..."Oh My God!"

Ha cliffhanger. Nvm what I said before....I'm loving how this story's moving along....for now

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