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Chapter 5

After some more time of shopping and getting a few more items we then walked out the mall.

"That was fun! Hey wanna come over to my place to watch a movie?" I said while raising both arms and the bags I was holding in the air.

Midoriya seemed to have a tint of link on his cheeks but it wasn't visible.

"Y-yeah sure I'd love to!"

"Great!" Without thinking I grabbed onto his hand and gently pulled him until we reached my place.

When I got to the door my face was bright red as the thought 'Did I really hold Midoriya's hand while getting Here?' Played in my head. Fortunately for me Midoriya was behind me so he couldn't see my flushed face.

I finally managed to cool off and when I turned to face Midoriya, his face was slightly pink.

"Grandma! I'm home!" I yelled but there was No answer.

"Mhmm? Must've gone to run some errands or something." I said to myself and soon began making some popcorn for the movie.

We we're watching a scary movie called Annabelle. I don't know why, because I hate scary movies. And I'm pretty sure Midoriya does too. But we somehow found ourselves wrapped up in a blanked sitting on the couch watching a scary movie while enjoying some bomb ass popcorn.

The part where she murders one of her victims in his living room chair next to his wife who was lying dead on the floor came up,and as I heard the man release a horrifying scream as he was getting stabbed, I let out a shriek and moved all the way over to Midoriya and ingulfed him in a tight hug without realisation.

Looking at the corpses of the man and his wife brought tears to my silent eyes.And soon those tears turned into loud sobs as the image reminded me more and more of the memory of my parents dead on the floor.

"H-hey l/n?! Are you ok?!"

All that came out was sobs and more tears. Midoriya turned off the tv and ingulfed me in a hug.

"I-its gonna be ok. Let it out. I'm here for you." He kept whispering sweet nothing's to me and soon enough I calmed down. And fell asleep in his arms.

(The next morning)

I woke up to the sight of the green haired boy with his arms around me.

"H-huh? Mi-Midoriya?" I said in complete shock then suddenly....'oh' the memory of what happened yesterday hit. 'He must've stayed over to comfort me.' His eyelids slowly opened and were now staring directly at me...wait....I'm still in his arms.

I see red started playing in my head and sure enough my face was red too.

"Morning y/n!"

Wait!...did he just...say my first name.

I should be used to it cause where I was from we used our first name to address each other...But they don't do that here...unless you're close to that a friend or...or more.

"M-morning Izuku."

I noticed his cheeks turned pink too.
Which made him look way cutter than he already was.

He then let go off me and sat up, causing me to sit up too.

"H-hey what happened back there? You don't have to answer I..I just want to know if I could help."

I wasn't expecting him to bring that up and was left in shock for a second.

"W-well...." I took a deep breath to ready myself to relive that nightmare again. I trusted Izuku with this.

"M-my day I was comming home from school in America..and...when I got through the door..." tears started welding.

"I found my parents lying dead on the f-floor." Tears...all There was is tears.

"I-im sorry y/n." He crept closer to me and embraced me in his arms. I couldn't help but give into the hug. I cried in his embrace and he just rubbed my back to help calm me down.

Not sure I like how this story progressed

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