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Chapter 11

At the bottom of the box was a button? "Weird." I examined it for a moment. "What's the worst that could happen?" I pressed the button but nothing happened.

I was about to turn back when grandma's wardrobe started shifting off to the side revealing a hidden door.

All confusion aside, I walked in. I know it may be stupid but curiosity kills cat. There's no telling what it'll do to me.

As soon as I got in the entrance was blocked. 'Creepy'. I kept walking but the more I go deeper the darker it got.

"This is getting creepy."

I kept walking in the dark 'till I saw some light comming from further down the passage.

I walked faster towards the light.

Once I got to the source of the light my jaw dropped.

It was a room filled with weapons, books, armor and some ancient stuff. I noticed a desk in the middle of the room with scattered papers all over it.

I walked over to it and examined the papers. There were family photos, news papers and some letters.

I looked through the photos. It was just my mom, dad, grandma and I, but there was a guy I wasn't familiar with. His picture was ripped from the neck up, so his body was the only thing visible.

I then moved over to the newspapers. Each newspaper had the same topic. 'LOV strikes again. No clue how to stop them.'

"What's up with this league of villains?" I mumble to myself as I read through the newspapers. There were reports of the LOV attacking U.A, robbing the biggest bank in Japan and...."murder."

I don't know what but something inside me snapped when I read 'murder'. Its probably the fact that my only family or so I think, got murdered.

"D...did they k-kill them?"

I dropped the news papers and moved on to the letters.

I opened the first letter, it was for my grandma

To: g/n

Listen, You know why I sent this to you! I need to talk about her. Hand her over! We need her.

This is not a request, it's a warning! And you know what I'm capable of, so don't even try to ignore this.

- ???

I couldn't see who it was from, grandma must've scratched it out for some reason. But what were they talking about?And who are they talking about?! I moved on to the second letter.

To: g/n

Ignoring me is NOT going to end this and you know it. I don't want to play games with you!

If you don't hand her over, this will get ugly. And you know it.


Who is this person?! And why do they keep sending these to my grandma!? And who are they talking about?!

But I couldn't stop there. There was one more letter left.


You have ignored me for the last time. Goodbye.


S-so they did kill her,d-didn't they?  I fell to my knees. "Why is this happening!?" I cried.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and instantly jumped thinking it was someone dangerous.

"Hey! Hey! It's Ok! It's just me."

"Izuku!" I ran up to him and jumped on him and he imidiatly put his arms around me.

"Y-y/n, what's wrong. You were gone for so long and when I came looking for you I found this secret passage in your grandma's room. I'm sorry I went in but I was worried about you!"

"I-its Ok!"

"W-why are you crying!?"

"I think There's something you may need to see."

I guided him to the photos, news papers and letters. He read through everything I had.

"Do you know who this is?" I asked.

"N-no. We should alert the police or heroe-" "NO!" I interrupted


"No! They won't do anything to help. If they really did want to help they should've helped look for my grandma! Maybe she would still be alive today!" I cried out.

"I-im sorry. Let's go home I got everything packed."

Damn...Who is this mysterious person. I'll never tell.

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