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It's been weeks now and there hasn't been sign of y/n. Pro heroes have looked nearly everywhere but came back with nothing new.

"Izuku I'm worried about you. Please come down and eat a proper meal." Mom begged from the other side of my bedroom door.

"I don't feel like it Mom." I haven't been eating properly, my grades were slowly dropping, I haven't been as cheerful as I would usually be and I've grown distant from my friends. I couldn't help but think about y/n.

What if the league hurt her or worse...Killed her. Every night, I'd go out and look for her. But every night, I'd come home disappointed. I layed on my bed staring at the ceiling, trying to think of another spot I should look. I needed y/n back. I made a promise to myself that I would take care of her, protect her, but I've failed. Pathetic.

(Y/n's POV)

"Please stop! No more! Please!" I begged as the pain from the shocker grew more violent.

"Will you finally join the league of villain?" The man with hands, Shigaraki asked.


"So be It!" She turned up the shock level and the pain grew intense. This was how the past couple of weeks have been. Ever since...I found out...


"Wh-where am I?" I looked around and was surprised to notice that I was in a living room?

"Ahh~you're awake!" A horse voice sounded from across the room. I looked up and realised it was the voice of Tomura shigaraki, one of the most dangerous villains in Japan, maybe even the world.

"Wh-what are y-you gonna do to me!?"

"Nothing....if you agree to my conditions."

"What c-conditions?"

"Join the league!"

"N-no! I would never!"

"Not even for your ol' uncle Shigaraki?"

"What!? What are you talking about?"

"Haven't you read the letters y/n? The letters I sent to your grandmother? The letters that stated that I wanted...You!?"

"S-so, y-you killed m-my grandma?"

"I simple hired a hit man, I would never kill my own mother! But I would hire someone to do it for me."

He was responsible for grandma's death..maybe even my parent's deaths too. All for what?! What does he want with me?! What do I have to offer?!

He then called in someone. Wait..that's the guy who was stalking me.

"You may have already met Koru!" He gestured to the man. "He did all that dirty work!"

"B-but why? Why would you hurt your own mother? Your own sister? And your brother in law?! What do you want with me?! I don't have anything to offer you!"

"Oh y/n but you do. You see, your parents and your grandmother have been hiding something from You... Y/n you have a very powerful quirk! And I need you to join us."

"Wh-What? Me? Quirk? How?"

"Y/n It's true that only Japan has people with quirks, but your family was originally from here too. Your mom, your dad. They had quirks too. But seeing as that America and the rest of the world didn't, they didn't wanna risk being viewed as dangerous or anything of the sort. And knowing that you'll probably have a quirk too, they kept it secret. But after years of looking and searching, I've found you. And I can help you manage your quirk y/n!"

What is this?what's going on? Is he lying? It's all cap....right?

"I want you to join me niece! Join us and help fix this corrupt society (He isn't wrong tho, it do be corrupt af!)

"I-ill never join you! You murdered my family! Rot in hell!"

He got irritated by the answer I gave to him. He scratched his neck violently while grunting out in anger. I was terrified, if he could kill his own family, what's stopping him from ending me? And...What is my quirk?

"Koru! Take her away!" He ordered. The man named Koru then agrabbed my arm and yanked me off the couch. He the dragged me to a dark room and tied me up, he put a sort of helmet thing on my head which had wires connected to it. Soon after my body felt as though I was a metal rod in a thunder storm. He shocked me.

"AAHHHHHH!!!" The pain was unbearable.

"Not it's time for level 2!" He fumbled with the remote and turned up the shock level.

This was a lot more painful than the last. Not even five seconds later I felt my body go limp. I had lost consciousness.

~end of flashback~

"Boss I don't think she'll join." Koru said looking at shigaraki who was aggressively scratching his neck out of frustration.

"Turn it up!" He yelled. My eyes widened as those words left his mouth.

"Level 5!" Koru stated before turning it up some more.

My clothes were torn, my hair a mess, I had dried blood on my face and even some fresh blood. My whole body was bruised. Shigaraki would put me through other tortures as well, but his most favourite was the shocking.

"Turn it up!" Shigaraki commended.

"Level 6!"
The pain was immense.

"IZUKUUUU!!!!!" I had suddenly yelled out. Memories of him flashed before everything went dark.

(Izuku's POV)

I was walking around the forest on the outskirts of town. I had been looking for hours. Ready to head home for the night I turned to leave.

"IZUKUUUU!!!!!" I heard my name being yelled out.

"Th-thats y/n's voice!"

I ran in the direction of the voice trying to focus on where it came from. "I'm comming y/n!" I yelled to no one in particular.

I kept running for a few minutes till I tripped and fell.

"What the-" there was some sort of secret entry. The league of villains must live underground! No wonder no ones ever found them.

Ok I know that my story isn't going according to the anime/manga. And honestly, that's how I like it. Stories that go according to the anime/manga are always kinda predictable a little bit. And What I want in a story is something new and different.....sorry for rambling

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