An uneasy feeling

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Chapter 15

"Finally!" Mina yelled as I ran up to them.

"Sorry mina! I had to help someone!"

"Sure, no problem."

"Oh hey girls!" I greeted the girls.

"Hey y/n!" They said in unison.

"So can we start shopping Now?" Mina whined.

"Sure!" We all said.

We walked into the mall looking for any stores we could visit.

"Ohh~ girls look!" Mina pointed to a shoe store. It had some pretty nice shoes on display.

"Let's check it out!" She yelled and we found ourselves walking into the store.

"Wait girls!" I stopped them.

"Whaaat!!" Mina whined like a 5 year old.

"I kinda.....gave my money away..."

"It's ok y/n! That's not really gonna be a problem. I got you covered." Momo said holding out her purse.

"But then I'll feel as tho I owe you-"

"It's fine y/n I really don't mind."

I hesitantly agreed and we proceeded our way into the store. Everything in the store looked nice. The shoes were amazing and at the end I ended up getting 5 pairs of shoes.

 The shoes were amazing and at the end I ended up getting 5 pairs of shoes

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"Ohh~y/n those look Good." Uraraka commented.

"Thanks Ura, yours look good too!" I said pointing to the knee-high boots she was holding.


"Hey 'ribbit' I'm kinda hungry!" Tsu announced placing her index finger on her cheek.

"Yeah I could eat!" Mina added.

"Shall we go to the food court?"

"Yes Momo!" Uraraka and I boomed.

We were heading to the food court she I was suddenly hit with this feeling of being watched. It felt like someone was staring or even following me.

I looked around but saw nothing but groups of friends hanging out, families buying stuff, couples being couples and people walking around, Nothing out of the ordinary. But I couldn't shake the thought that someone was watching me, maybe even following. I brushed it off as me being paranoid and kept walking with the girls.

We finally got to the food court and had ordered our meals. We ate while having a little chat.

"So Momo?" I started.


"You and Todoroki, I think you could work something out. Don't you think?"

Her cheeks had a tint of pink and she averted her gaze from mine.

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