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Chapter 41

It's been 6 years since that day and Eri's 12th birthday was comming up soon.

"Ok Izu. I've got the perfect idea for her birthday this year."

"But I wanna plan it though."

"You planned it last year. It's my turn."

"Fine. But I'm gonna add a few ideas!"

"Fine. But I get cuddles for a week!"


We started planning for Eri's up comming birthday party. It's gonna be in a few days. Six to be exact. Izu and I kept laughing and planning.

"Ok, we defidnetly need an ice cream bar!" I pointed out and to which Izu nodded.

"And we'll need to have it in the backyard with the pool and all." Izu suggested and I obviously agreed cause that's sounds bomb as fuck.

We spent a good hour or so planning until we we're soon interrupted by Eri comming throught the door. She was home from school but she didn't have the happy, preppy smile she would always have. It was an expression of sadness and....hurt.

"Sweety what's wrong?" I asked her but she ignored and headed into her room.

"I'm gonna talk to her." Izu got up and followed her. Leaving me all alone. Lonely. Empty. With no one to plan this party wi-Ahh fuck it I'm going to spy on them.

(Izuku's POV)

"Pup? What's bothering you?" I asked Eri as I closed her bedroom door behind me.

"D-dad." She started crying. "Dad Alex is moving away!!" She cried. Oh yeah! Kaachan and Kirishima are moving to another city to work there. Alex, their daughter is moving with them. Eri must be crushed. They've been best friends since she was born.

"I'm sorry Pup. Come here." I pulled her into a hug and let her cry into my chest.


The door creaked slightly which got my attention. I looked up and realised y/n was standing there, teary eyed. She walked over to us and engulfed Eri in a hug. Eri let go of me and turned to her mom and cried into her chest.

(Y/n's POV)

"I'm sorry sweety!" I cried. "I know how it feels losing a best friend. But...It'll be Ok sweety. It'll all be Ok." At this point I was the one crying and she had her arms wrapped around me. Izu came behind me and embraced the both of us.

"Thanks mom! Thanks Dad!"

We stayed like that for a few minutes before Eri left to spend the last few days she had with her best friend together.


"Yes puppy?"

"I think I know what I'm gonna get her for her birthday."

He pulled me into a tighter hug and we soon got up.

(Time skip)

"Izu get up!" I aggressively shoke Izu causing him to jolt awake.

"I'm up! I'm up!"

"Izu. It's time to decorate! Alex should be keeping her busy for the day!"

"OH yeah!!" He got off of bed and started getting dressed.

We went out and I ran to the girls that were seated on the bench outside.

"Ok girls, here are your planners. Mina! You'll be setting up the snack table! Momo! You'll be making toys for the kids. Tsu! You'll be on life guard duty! Jirou! You and denki will be on music! Hagakure! Your job is to be the greater! And Ura! You'll be serving the adults! Understand?"

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