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Chapter 7

"Oh My God!"

(Time skip)

"Izuku! Izuku!" I yelled while banging on the door of Izuku's house. At this point he was done with school and was most likely at home.

The door swung open to reveal a short woman with green hair. 'She must be Izuku's mom' I thought.

"H-hello?" She said shakinly. I must've startled her with my banging.

"I-im sorry but is Izuku here I would like to talk to him!" I said in a hurry.

"Yes he's in his room upstairs. You can go ahead." She said while moving out the way for me to pass through.

I ran upstairs to a door labeled 'Izuku's room' and knocked.

"H-hey Izuku are you in there?! It's y/n and I really need to talk!" I blurred out while still slightly banging on his door.

There was some slight shuffling comming from the other side of the door before it slowly opened revealing Izuku in some sweatpants and a T-shirt with a picture of a cute puppy on it.

"What is it y/n!?" He asked concerned.

"I think I might have a clue as to what happened to my grandma...I hope."

"R-really!? What is it!?"

I pulled out the piece of paper and gave it to him.

"It's and address to some place I don't really know where. I don't think my grandma would have that laying around so I'm hopping it could be a clue to finding her." I said as he took a look at the paper.

His eyes imidiatly shot wide and a slightly horrified expression was visible on his face.

"I-izuku what's wrong!? What's up with that address!?" I ask, my voice slightly breaking and fear taking over my eyes.

"It's...It's the address for this old abandoned warehouse far from the city. It was reported to be a spot where people would hide their victims or...dead bodies,and other illegal acts where committed!"

My eyes grew wide and tears went rouge.

"What if...what if my grandma is there?!" Fear quickly took over my body.

"We should go to the heroes for help!" Izuku said stepping closer to me.

Heroes? Huh? Was he refering to the police? I didn't have time nor did I want to ask about this. My grandma was more important than thinking about these so called heroes.

He took my hand and we ran out of his room. He went over to his mother and explained the situation to her.

She simply nodded. Izuku ran back to his room and pulled at 2 hoodies and gave one to me.

We ran out the house and made it to wherever he took me.

We went into this building and Izuku lead me to this big door. He started knocking while yelling ' all might'? What?

Soon after the door was opened and this muscular man was in front of us, he had a huge grin on his face.

"Ah young Midoriya! What brings you here?!" His voice was high and might. Is that why they called him all might?

Izuku then explains the situation to the man. His big grin never leaving his face. Soon Midoriya had explained everything to him.

~~Izuku's POV~~

All might had listened to what I had to say.

"Ah I see!" He said.

"Please come with me young Midoriya! We need to talk in private!"

I followed him into the office as y/n left to sit in the waiting area.

All might then reverted back to his weaker form as he spat out blood. He must've overused his qurik too much....again..I'll never get used to that.

"Listen you Midorya. I'm sorry but I can't help you."


"The warehouse you've mention is too far away. I won't be able to keep my mighty form for that long. And I'll be too exauseted to fight."

I didn't know how to react. But I couldn't leave y/n like that.

"But what about other heroes? Can't they help!?"

"I'm sorry young Midoriya. We're all aware of how dangerous that place is. No one will be willing to go there."

"But risking your life to save people is what makes a hero!" I yelled.

"I'm sorry young Midoriya." All might looked down. I can't belive this. Why won't they even try to help.

I walked out of his office slamming the door. And made my way back to y/n. I was a little mad that he couldn't help but my anger dropped to sadness the moment I layed eyes on y/n.

She was sitting on the chair with her hands on her face and sobbed quietly. Tears were streaming down her cheeks like a never ending river. My heart sank at the sight of her in so much pain.

~~Y/n's POV~~

I was sobbing in my seat not able to control my tears. Images of my parents lying dead on the floor came to mind. And the thought of my grandmother in that state sent me in a state of panic.

My sobbs grew louder 'till I felt arms wrap around me. I slightly turn my head only enough to see that it was Izuku.

I turned my whole body to face him and cried into his chest. I may seem like a cry baby or something but I didn't care. Anyone would be crying if they were in my place.

"We might be on our own." Izuku said softly. I knew what he meant.

"I-its f-fine." I said between sobbs and hiccups. I wanted to get my grandma back and I was gonna do it with or without the help of these so called 'Heroes'.

This chapter was a 'meh' me at least

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