First encounter with the league

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Chapter 16

Ever since that night, the feeling of being watched was all that was. I was paranoid. Izuku was worried about me, Every time someone would startle me from behind I would flinch.

It's been like this for the whole week, but today was Friday so at least I could go home and escape this feeling.

All might took us to the middle of a forest for some team building excersises. He said that ' if you're going to be heroes, you're going to have to learn a thing or two about team work!' So now we're here.

I was hanging out with the girls, talking about girl stuff by a large boulder. We heard rustling comming from behind the boulder.

"Ooh what if it's a rabbit or something!" I squeaked at the thought of seeing it.

I went around the boulder to investigate, but what I saw wasn't a rabbit....

"Uhh, hello y/n." A man said, he had on a Black coat that hid his whole body. And had on a mask. It seemed to be black with no other design.

"W-who are you?" And why is he here? Was he the person that gave me that crazy paranoia that someone was watching me?

"Y/n what's going on?" Izuku asked.

I ran back a bit to distance myself from the man. "Th-there's someone there."

The rest of the class including all might came over to view what was happening.

"Who are you!" All might boomed looking at the mysterious figure in front of him.

"That information is classified." The man replied.

"What do you want here!" All might pushed.

The man pointed his finger at me," her!"

Izuku pulled me closer to him in a defensive manner. "Stay close!" He commended.

"Why do you want her?!" All might questioned.

"Now that's for me to know, and for you to find out!"

All might tried to detain him but the man was too fast. He douged and in the blink of an eye, he was behind Izuku and I.

"Y/n! Watch out!" Mina yelled. I didn't have to comprehend what was happening, all I saw was a flash image of Izuku's green irises turn red.

His arms that were wrapped around me now tightened, securing me in his grip.

"I-Izuku you're hurting me."

"He won't listen to you, he's under my control!" The man said.

I tried to pry myself out of his grip but he was just too strong.

"Let her go!" Kirishima yelled running towards Izuku with his quirk activated.

The mysterious man tried to run in front of Kirishima to stop his attack but was stoped my all might.

Kirishima delivered a hard blow to Izuku's side causing him to stumble and fall to the ground.

"Kirishima don't hurt him! He's still the same Izuku!" I yelled.

"There's no time for this y/n! Run, get out of here! Mina get her some place safe!"

Mina nodded and we started running away from the fight.

"Hurry Up y/n! We gotta get as far away from there as possible! We don't know how powerful he is, which makes him all the more scarier!"

"Plus he seemed to have brain washed Izuku in a way! We've gotta get him back!"

We were nearing the end of the forest.

"Come on mina, I can see the end!....Mina?" I turned around to notice that mina was gone.

What happened.

"MINA!?...MINA!?....Mina Where are you?!" I yelled but to no avail.

I then heard foods steps comming from behind me.

"Oh good mina I thought I lost y-....who are you?!" A man who seemed to have hands all over his body and one on his face came into view. Behind him there was this giant monstrous creature, it looked to have it's brains visible.


"Wait!" I interrupted him. "Y-you're that villain who's in the league of villains....T-tomura shigaraki?"

"Well it seems that you know quiet enough about me. Let me introduce you to Nomu!" He gestured to the giant bird creature.  His voice was raspy and horse. His lips, dry and musty. His skin looked irritated, especially the area around his neck, it seemed he has scratching it? A little too hard.

"Wh-what do you want from me?"

"You'll find out soon enough....Nomu!" After he said that. The creature came running at me, I didn't have any time to move and I was knocked head first into a large tree. Everything went black.

(Izuku's POV)

I woke up in recovery girl's office...again... but Why?

I looked around and saw all might talking to recovery girl. I may or may not have listened in to the last bit of their conversion.

"What did you say happened again!?" Recovery girl seemed to be left in disbelieve of something?

"Young l/n is missing! We can't find her everywhere, Young Midoriya seemed to be helping the mysterious man but it seemed he was under some mind control quirk." All might explained.

What happened? All I remember is..."That was the man I saw at the warehouse!" I yelled sitting up right. All might and recovery girl turned their attention to me.

"What do you mean young Midoriya!?

"The man that was here, he was also at the warehouse I told you about!...wait..what do you mean y/n's missing?"

"After she escaped with young Ashido, we thought she was safe but soon young Ashido came running back claiming that the League of villains was here, she continued to say that she was separated from y/n! We couldn't find her after That!"


"I'm sorry young Midoriya, and it seemed that the man had some sort of mind control quirk caused he turned you against y/n."

"What? But..All I remember is seeing the man suddenly behind me and did something to me, then everything else is a blur. But we need to find y/n! What if the league of villains took her.!"

"It's ok young Midoriya! We'll do everything in our power to get her back!"

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