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Chapter 37

(Y/n's POV)

I had regained consciousness a few minutes ago and realised I was left hanging from the ceiling all chained up.

I had no energy in me from all the struggling I've done. I couldn't loosen these chains and they were making so much fucking noise!!

"Geez you're annoying." The guy who was on watch sighed. He had been there ever since I'd waken up and all he did was laugh at my failed escape attempts. God he's annoying.

"Let me go! You don't know what I can do to you!!" I threatened.

"Sure. Whatever." He rolled his eyes at me. Little bitch.

"Finally. You're awake." A voice sounded from the shadows. A man who had on a suit type outfit emurged from the shadows. "How are you doing dear?"

"Cut the crap! What do you want?!" I am not in the mood for this.

"Oh straight to the point I see, well if you must know. I want you.....to suffer for what your mother has done to me!"

"Woah woah woah! What did she do to you?! And why the hell do I have to pay for it?!"

"Well, I'm well aware of your parents deaths, so I can't really do much to her. But you on the other hand."

"Doesn't answer my questions." I rolled my eyes.

"You'll understand the whole reason for my actions soon enough. But for now." He pulled a lever that was conveniently placed besides him.

Nothing happened for a few seconds but then I felt the chains moving. They were pulling at my arms and legs. It hurt like a bitch, like I was about to get ripped into pieces.

"What...What did my mom do to you anyway?" I grunted out in pain.

"Well since you're gonna die anyway I mind as well tell you... You're mother and I... were lovers in high schools. We were thought to be that perfect couple by practically the whole school.....That was....until he showed up. Your father, he had just recently enrolled in our high school. I knew there was somethung I didn't like about him. He was always doing nice things and it was driving me crazy. He would always act all sweet and innocent and that was a disgrace!....I started giving him a hard Time. I'd beat him up. Throw his stuff into the waters and occasionally steal his bike. The fun times. But soon m/n (mother's name) saw what I was doing and broke it off with me. A week later she showed up at school with him. Seeing him have her made my blood boil. And her, leaving me like that only fueled my anger! So you see y/n, it's petty, but it's necessary." He pulled the lever even further and the chains started pulling at my limbs again.

"AHAHH!!!!" this time it felt worse and it lasted longer.

"Get her to the table." The man commanded and the dude that was watching all this walked over to me and undid the chains around me and carries me to some table type thing made of metal and tied me up to it.

The man came over and walked around in circles around me. Looking at me as I simply glared at him.

"Oh and.... I know about these quirk things. If you hadn't figured it out yet I have a quirk."

"What?! What is it?"

"Oh dear I'm not telling you That! It's a surprise!!"

"What am I doing on this table anyway,"

"Oh you'll see." He then left the room. I sat there in silence trying to figure out how to get out of this but nothing came to mind. Soon the door cracked open revealing the man. He walked up to me and had a tray with some sort of tools on it.

"What are those for?" I asked still keeping a steady glare at him.

He gave a creepy ear to ear grin before taking one of the tools from the tray it was a syringe. "You'll find out soon enough. But for Now, I need your blood."

He then stuck the large niddle in my arm and extracted a lot of blood.

"Rest well dear. You'll need it tomorrow!" He then injected me with some sort of sleep drug or something cause instantly passed out.

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