It's a happy ending for all

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Chapter 45

I had given Bakugou a call a
nd he brought Kirishima and the kids over to the hospital. Eri and Alex where escorted to the playground which was conveniently behind the hospital. It's been two hours and no sign that izu's getting better.

"Hey it's pretty late y/n, we should go home. You can bunk with us if you'd like. Eri can stay with Alex!" Kirishima exclaimed.

"No Kiri.... I don't wanna go. Take Eri with you, but I'm staying." I chocked out.

They exchanged worried looks before getting up and getting the kids before heading home.

"I'm sorry I couldn't protect you Izu." I pulled my knees up to my chest and silently cried before I somehow passed out.

"Y/n, y/n. Y/n wake up!" A muffled voice sounded in the background. I slowly opened my eyes and was faced with that cloud place. What's wrong now?!

"Y/n!" The voice sounded louder.

"Grandma?" That was indeed grandma's voice, but it didn't sound like there was any danger coming or anything of the sort. "Grandma why am I here? Am I dead somehow? Not that I would mind at this point." I looked at my feet as tears formed in my eyes.

"Puppy?" An all too familiar voice asked concerned.

"I...izuku?!" I looked up and he was there! Standing right infront of me. "I-izuku!! Are...are you...d-dead?!" I asked in the mists of my cries.

"No he's not dumpling. He's just in a bit of a coma. But he'll be up in about a week." Grandma explained.

I didn't say anything in response, instead I just ran up to izuku and wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. I put my head in the croche of his neck.

"D-dont scare me like that!" I mumbled into his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I won't puppy."

I suddenly woke up to realise I was in a spare room in Bakugou's mansion. Guess he came back to check up on me and found me sleeping.

Ever since, every night for the next week I'd visit izu in that cloud place. A week finally passed and I woke up extra early and made my way to he hospital.

"Doctor can I go see my husband please!"

"Uh...sure ma'am. You know where his room is."

I bolted into Izu's room to find him sitting up with a warm smile on his face as he looked at me with soft eyes.

"Izu!" I ran up to him and hugged him as if I wasn't visiting him every night in my dream stuff.

"We've been seeing each other every night puppy. Why the bone crushing hug?"

"Cause I feel like it!" I hugged him tighter earning a laugh from the green hair and eyed husband. "Let's just go home."

The doctors discharged him and we headed over to Bakugou's place. The moment Eri saw us She ran up to use and practically leaped on us.

"DAD!!" she gripped onto Izu's shirt and I could feel her crying onto my shirt.

"Hey pup! Are you ready to go home?" Izu petted her head. She ran into Alex's room and gave a quick goodbye to her friend and ran into the car. Izu started driving and we talked the whole way there.

"I guess you didn't mean what you wrote in that sing about me. Cause you said forever now I drive alone passed your street." I mumbled to myself but it got the attention of Izu.

"What was that puppy?"

"Oh nothing, just thinking about if you had died and I would be left alone not being able to go back to our house in fear that I'll miss you too much and every time I passed its street I'll think about all the memories we've made here."


"Too dark?"


I gave a nervous laugh and Izu smiled."At lease that won't be happening anytime soon." He placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Ahem! Kid in the backseat!" Eri interrupted.

"Whoops. Sorry dear!" We finally made it home and life has been perfect ever since.

"Hey Izu?"


"Did you really mean what you said in that song about me? Cause you said forever?"

"Now we'll leave alone you and me~"

"And me!!" Eri yelled.

"And you pup!" Izu laughed.

The end. I'm thinking of writing a Danny Phanton/ Phantom x reader next.....Ima do it(人*'∀`)。*゚+

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