The big day!!

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Chapter 31

This chapter is gonna be the longest one. I want everything to be held in one chapter, so grab y'alls tissues.

(Izuku's POV)

It's been months and everything is ready for the wedding. Tomorrow, I'll be a married man! And I have a little something planned for y/n at the wedding. I hope this doesn't take a turn for the worst.

(Y/n's POV)

I was currently with the girls. We we're getting our nails done for the big day tomorrow.

"I can't belive you're getting married tomorrow!!" Mina exclaimed.

"Me too!" I replied with the same energy.

"How are you feeling y/n?" Momo asked.

"Terrified!" I breathed out.

"You'll be fine!" Uraraka assured me.

"Easy for you to say!"

"I'm so excited! I can't belive you chose us to be the maids of honor y/n!" Hagakure joined.

"Who else would I chose besides my bestfriends?"

"Awwww!!!" They all exclaimed and rushed over to me and suffocated me in a hug.

"We love you y/n!"

"I love you guys!"

(Time skip: WEDDING DAAYYY!!! somebody get me a tish)

"I'M UP!!" I yelled as I shot up from my bed. I checked my alarm to see that it read 6:30.

"I'm 5 and a half hours early." I sigh to myself. I must be really excited about the wedding. Why wouldn't I be? I'm marrying the man who's been there for me ever since, the man who's stuck with me through thick and thin, the man who's helped me deal with literally everything life throws at me. So I'm super excited for this!

I could be kissing him good morning but the girls forbid me from seeing him. And the guys keep him away from me, saying 'it's bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding!' Even Todoroki was in it. I feel tricked. And I miss my little cinnamon roll.

"Welp, better get up and get ready."

I got up and took a nice calm shower. But it was anything but calm! Of course my thoughts had to join.

I wonder what'll happen during the wedding, seeing my man all dressed up. Putting a ring on his finger and he does the same to me. Sharing our sealing kiss as a sign that we accept each others love. And spending the rest of our lives together.

A faint blush rose to my cheeks as little scenarios of what could happen played in my head, which kinda made me a little nervous.

I soon got out of the shower and got dressed in a robe. Ok so mina and the girls should be here to pick me up at any moment.

As if on que, the girls showed up in Momo's car. They were all wearing their maids of honor dresses.

 They were all wearing their maids of honor dresses

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