Life or Death

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Chapter 28

"This is perfect!" I  kissed Izu's cheek.

"Yeah. It really is." He returned a kiss on my forehead.

"I could stay like this forever....or at least for the whole day." I added.

"Yea!" He was cut off by his phone ringing."Excuse me." He picked up his phone and answered it. I couldn't hear what the person in the other side of the line was saying, all I could hear was Izu's part.





"We're on our way!" He hung up his phone and turned to me. He seemed stressed.

"Uhh? Izu? What's wrong?"

"Y/n, the league have shown up at the centre of town, they've destroyed everything. The pros are trying to fend them off but they have a large number of Nomus, everyone in the league is present and....even all for one is There! I have to help the other pros and UA students! Y/n, this is war!"

"Wh-what?" Everything came crashing down. First the league disappeared. But they didn't even waste time in attacking. And judging by what Izuku had said, this is going to be the biggest attack ever!

Suddenly all ibcould hear was a car starting. "Huh?" I looked around and noticed that Izuku was in a car ready to leave.

"Wait! Izu! I'm comming with! I need to help!"

"No y/n! You have to stay safe. Please!"

"Izu I can protect myself! I can fight and I can use my q-"

"Y/n. I know you can fight but still, even with that ability, you won't be able to take on the league, especially without a quirk."

"But Izuku! I do have a q-"

"I don't have time for this y/n! Please stay here, I'll be back." With that he drove off, leaving me alone.

"IZUKU!! I HAVE A QUIRK TOO!!" I yelled after him but he didn't notice. He was too far.

He was finally out of sight and I couldn't help but activate my quirk.

"I'll just fly there and help those who ate injured....and make sure that Izu doesn't spot me." I planned out loud and flew after Izuku making sure he doesn't see me.

After a few minutes of flying I finally made it to the centre of town. This was a horrifying sight. Buildings were destroyed, fires were spread all around causing smoke to fill the air.

A few bodies from injured civilians were scattered all over leaving trails of blood and organs

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A few bodies from injured civilians were scattered all over leaving trails of blood and organs. Not even movies could create a scene this traumatizing. I was frozen in shock but suddenly knocked out of it when I heard the voice of a scared woman. I turned to the direction of the voice to see a woman cradling her baby, who seemed to be about 2 months old.

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