Fight me

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Chapter 14

All might had asighned us of who we were to fight.

Todoroki vs Midoriya

Momo vs Sero

Asui vs Mineta

Tokoyami vs Kouda

Ojirou vs Uraraka

Jirou vs Denki

Mina vs Kirishima

Sato vs Hagakure

Shoji vs Iida

Bakugou vs y/n

Aoyama vs Aizawa

"Why do I have to fight a pro hero?!" The boy who seemed to be Aoyama asked, more like yelled dramatically.

"There are 21 of you, so there we had to ask aizawa to help!" All might explained.

The fight started and it was Todoroki versus Izuku. This should be interesting, were not allowed to use quirks so this is a test of strength and strategy.

After a long and hard battle Todoroki won. He helped Izuku up and they joined the rest of the class.

"Next up! Momo and Sero!" All might announced.

The fight was entertaining but didnt last very long. Momo won and headed back to the rest of the class followed by Sero.

"Asui and Mineta will be next!"

Not even 5 seconds in and Mineta was out. How did he get into 1A if he couldn't even hold a fight for more than 5 seconds. But yay Tsu!

"Uh..Tokoyami and Kouda next!"

Tokoyami kept attacking but all Kouda did was block his attacks. He didn't seem to want to fight. That's actually really sweet. But he couldn't hold on forever and was soon out.

"Ojirou and Uraraka next!"

Uraraka put up a pretty good fight but I could tell that Ojirou was a good fighter and sure enough, he had won.

"Jirou and Denki!"

Denki was a good fighter, but he only used strength giving him a disadvabged. Jirou was all about tactics and soon found a way to knock Denki out.

Mina and Kirishima!"

This should be fun. Kirishima tried attacking but Mina douged his attack. It went on like this until mina finally found a weak spot in one of Kirishima's attacks and caughed him off guard and knocked him out.

"Sato and Hagakure!"

Hagakure tried using her invisibility to her advantage but once Sato managed to feel her presence right behind him, he quickly grabbed her and held on to her tight, making sure not to hurt her in the process. Sato ended up winning.

"Shoji and Iida!"

Shoji couldn't really not use his quirk cause it was a physical part of his body. He ended up holding Iida down until he had won.

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