Happy couple

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Chapter 27

(Y/n's POV)

It's been weeks since the warning I gave everyone, All the heroes were told to stay alert and present Mic told the while school about it. But some of the students, including Bakugou and a few others, didn't belive me. Bakugou even said this was some stupid stunt for attention. The league of villains have been kept under careful sarvalance. And Izu has been by my side ever since, he had recently asked me to be his girlfriend, of course I said yes and now we're happy together. The story of how he asked me out was hilarious, in fact, I think I'll have a flashback about that day.


"It's been a week now but nothing's happened." Izu plopped on his bed while I sat by his desk.

"We'll I said it might even take several months, the time nor day wasn't revealed to me." I defended.

"True, hey y/n."


"Do you ever have those moments where you wanna say something but you fear that it'll back fire on you or something?"

"First of all, woah that was deep. And second, yeah actually. There's something I've wanted to say for a while but I've been kinda scared of the results."

"I have an idea!" He got out of his bed and sat on the floor in a cris cross position. "C'mon join me!" I shrugged and joined time on the floor.

"So what's this Izu?"

"We have to get 1 thing of our chests. Anything that has been bothering you or you wanted to get out can be said here. And the info that has been said here cannot be known by anyone else but us!"

"You're a dork!" I laughed out.


"Don't worry! I'm kind of a dork too." I rubbed the back of my neck and he laughed.

"Who'll go first?" He asked.

"Uhhmm.." I took a deep breathe and mentally gave myself a pep talk. "I will!"

"Sure go ahead!"



"Kindaaa...have a...you know what?! You go First!" I dust of pink crawled onto my cheeks.

"Uhh? Sure!..Well, y/n. I've always wanted to say this to you for a long time but I have a...SPIDER!!"


"No there's a spider on your head!!"

"What- TAKE IT OFF! TAKE IT OFF! TAKE IT OOOFFF!!" I ran around the room screaming.

I didn't really watch where I was going and soon knocked into Izu.

"There!" He grabbed the spider form my hand like it was nothing and put it outside of the window to be free....with me still clinging to him.

"Is it gone?!"

"Yeah it's gone, and by the way... I like you. Like a lot!" He smiled and his cheeks were tinted in the slightest shade of pink.

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