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Lexie's POV

"Eonnie! Eonnie!" I looked at the back at the girl who's running.

"Hey, don't run!" I shouted.

"Eonnie!" She smiled widely when she came in front of me.

"Why are you here?" I asked her.

"I'm here to help you sell that also." She pointed the basket that I'm holding.

"What? Did you ask for a permission to your parents? You know your parents will never able you to come here." I frowned at her.

"I don't care." She smiled and grabbed the one basket. "Chocolate bread rolls!" She shouted and led the way.

I chuckled and smiled. Her name is Nancy, she's kind and beautiful. She's rich and generous. Her parents are not able her to come with me to sell the chocolate bread rolls. It's a homemade bread.

We're still studying, I am her senior and she's my junior. We're both studying in the same school. It's Sunday today and we don't have a class. I'm living in my boy best friend's family. They welcomed me as their own family.

I don't know where my family is. I don't know if they still existing here in the world. If they are, I wish they're happy without me. I'm not hating them because they made me but I'm disappointed because they never find me.

The lunch came and the chocolate bread rolls are sold out. We went to the small restaurant and I treated her a lunch.

"Our first day is tomorrow." I said to her and she nodded.

"Let's meet each other there tomorrow. Thank you for touring me around last week." Nancy said and I smiled.

"Of course. Find your own friends." I smiled at her and she nodded.

"If I see you in the campus, I'll treat you a lunch." She said and I smiled.

We separated our paths after our lunch. I thanked her because of her help. I went home in my poster family. They're rich, they paid my tuition every semester, they fed me, they helped me and support me at all cost.

"Noona." Bryant smiled at me. He's sitting in the sofa here in the lobby while watching in the television. "Sold out?" He asked.

"Yap." I smiled. "Have you eaten?" I asked him and he nodded.

"Mom just went outside to buy something. How about you? Have you eaten?" He asked.

"Yeah. I'll go upstairs." I said and he nodded. I went to my room here in the second floor.

I cleaned my whole room and when the night came, Bryant called me to eat with them. I smiled at them and Eomma served me a food.

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