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"Mimi, happy birthday!" Lily kissed me on the lips and I chuckled. Months had passed since Nancy left the Seoul and I sent her to the airport. She brought Olivia with her.

"Thank you so much." I smiled and looked at the guy that I love the most. "Done working?" I asked him and he nodded.

"I rushed it up so I can enjoy your birthday. Happy birthday, Love." He kissed me my lips and we heard a screamed of them. I chuckled and looked at them in the pool. I just invited my family and friends here. I threw a pool party for them because that's what they want.

"Happy birthday!" Mr. Jeon came, his head maid was pushing his wheelchair. I smiled and bowed my head.

"Thank you for coming in my birthday party, Mr. Jeon." I smiled.

"I told you, it's father." Mr. Jeon laughed and I smiled.

"Okay, father." I smiled widely.

"Here's a gift from Mr. Jeon, Madame." His head maid gave me a present.

"Thank you so much." I said after I received the gift.

"Whoa!" Bryant shouted and jumped in the pool. I laughed because they're having fun.

"I'll just go there." Mr. Jeon pointed the cottage.

"Sure, father." Javion said. They left here and Javion carried Lily. "Let's change now so we can swim?" He asked and Lily nodded excitedly.

"Go, change now!" I slapped his back many times and laughed. They went inside and I went to my Mom who's grilling the beef. "Hmm, smells good." I smiled and hugged her beside.

"You just missed my cook." She chuckled and I nodded.

"I missed you too, Mom." I smiled.

"We're here!" Thomas came with Javion's friends. They're carrying a lot of beverages.

"Come!" I said to them.

"Where's Roxy?" Jonathan asked me when he went in front of me.

"There. Talking to her ex escort." I pointed in the next cottage who's Joseff and Roxy are there.

"Why are they together?" Jonathan frowned and nearly to walk but he stepped back at me. "Happy birthday, Lily!" He winked at left now.

"Happy birthday, Lily Manoban!" Nicho waved and he went to the cottage.

"Oh, long time no see, Lexie." Sakii said. "I witnessed your love story together." He winked and followed Nicho. "Happy birthday!" He shouted.

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