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"Is she a bullshit?!" Jewel shouted. We're here in her house. It's been a weeks since the day that Nancy treated me that but Jewel can't move on that's why she's keeping bringing that when she's with us.

"How's the consult test, Lex?" Roxy asked me.

"My baby is healthy." I smiled.

"That's good. Javion will happy to know that." Jamiyah said and I nodded.

"So where is he now?" Jewel asked Jamiyah.

"He's on my apartment." Jamiyah sighed.

Mr. Jeon cancelled his whole bank accounts, he was evicted from their home, taking his phones and cars away to him and he got nothing. Jamiyah is helping him and he's now working as a janitor of Jewel's agency.

Mr. Jeon will know if he's working in a high position. He will lose his job when his father finds out that he is working. He can't work in the whole Korea that's why Jewel kept it secret to Mr. Jeon that Javion is working here.

"Can I go there, Eonnie?" I asked her and she nodded.

"You can go there anytime." She smiled and I nodded.

"Are you sure that you're okay, Lexie?" Roxy asked me and I nodded.

"As long as Javion is fighting with us, I am okay." I smiled.

"I wish Javion will never get tired." Jewel sighed and we looked at each other.

I know that Javion will get tired of fighting but he promised me to never leave me. He can give up everything, just mo me and for our future baby.

I went to Jamiyah's apartment and I saw him sleeping on the bed peacefully. I sighed and sat beside him. I looked at his face and he's looking like an angel who's sleeping. I touched the tip of his hair and I kissed his forehead.

He flinched and he looked at me. "Oh, I'm sorry." I said.

"It's okay." He sighed and pulled me to laid on his arm. He pulled my shirt up and he rubbed my tummy. I bit my lower lip and looked at him. "I want to see her or him now." He said and he looked at me while rubbing it.

I smiled and nodded. "We will wait a long weeks." I smiled.

He sighed and put his head on my neck. "I'm sorry. I will do everything to feed you." He whispered.

I sighed and smiled. I played his hair and I nodded. "Let's help each other, okay?" I kissed his forehead and I closed my eyes because I'm sleepy.

When I woke up, Javion is not here. I went to the kitchen and I saw him cooking. I sat on the lobby and watched a dramas of Gong Yoo.

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