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"Please, take care." Javion kissed my forehead and I nodded. He sent me on Roxy's company. "I'll introduce you to my father, just wait for it." He smiled.

"I will wait for that day." I smiled. He took off his seatbelt and he cupped my tummy.

"Please take care with your Mom, baby. I'll see you soon." He said and he smiled at me. He went out first and opened the door for me. "I'll fetch you later."

"I have a plans with my girls later. I'll call you later." I said and he nodded. "Don't spray any perfume, do you understand me?" I asked and he nodded.

"Noted." He messed my hair. "Go now. I have something to do today." He kissed my forehead again and he waved.

I smiled and waved "Drive safely." I said and waved. I went inside and greeted the employees. I went to the office floor and put my things on my desk.

"Good morning." I greeted the secretary.

"Good morning, Ms. Lexie." She smiled.

"Did you report the schedule to Roxy?" I asked and she nodded.

"Yes, Ms. Lexie." She smiled and I nodded.

I smiled and did my reports and I will pass this later to Roxy. I took the lunch box that Javion cooked it earlier because this is what my baby's want. I ate the burger with lettuce and tomato. Lettuce is not my favorite but since this is what my baby's want, then I'll eat this.

I wiped my mouth and drank a water before entering Roxy's office and she's reading the documents. I smiled and put the folders on her table.

"Don't stress yourself or pressure yourself for this, Lexie." She said without looking at me.

"I know that already, Roxy. I'm just doing it a little fun." I chuckled.

"But even so. You're pregnant." She sat properly and she faced me. "Give the others to my secretary. You can go home whenever you want, okay? Don't worry, I'll give you a salary." She said.

"I'm okay, Roxy." I smiled. "Jamiyah-eonnie messaged me that we're going to Jewel-eonnie's agency later." I said and she nodded.

"I know about that." She smiled.

The off time came and we went to the JModels agency. We went to Jewel-eonnie's office and they're smiling when they saw me.

"How many weeks now?" Jewel asked me.

"5 weeks, Eonnie." I smiled.

"OMG! I will have a niece soon!" Jamiyah giggled and I chuckled. "I wish it's a girl."

"Me too, Eonnie! I wish it's a girl so she can a future model like us!" Jewel giggled and we laughed.

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