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"He's planning to buy a permanent house here in jeju." I said to Tereza while we're roaming around in the market to buy a lot of groceries for Christmas day.

"Wow, that's good." She put a food on her basket and paid on the old lady. "Did he start to save money?" She looked at me and I nodded.

"We will buy a small house." I said. "Then maybe I'll give birth and we will marry." I smiled.

"Aw, you're destined to be together in the rest of your life. How cute." Tereza smiled.

"It's a choice, Tez." I smiled and we started to walked around again. After we bought the ingredients and a simple decorations, we went back to the apartment.

We cooked a ramen for our an afternoon snack. I helped her to cleaned the mess after in their sink and we went to the dinning table.

"You're the only child, right?" I asked her and she nodded.

"Why?" She sipped the soup.

"Boring or not?" I asked.

"Sometimes if I don't have a class but if I have, I have my friends with me." She smiled. "How about you?"

"Yes, I have." I smiled.

I went to my room after and I busied myself by washing our clothes. I looked at the window and I looked at the sky. "I missed them." I sighed.

I looked at the door because someone is knocking. I stood up and opened it. "Hi." My eyes widened when I saw her.

"W-what are you doing here?" I stepped back when she entered the apartment.

"Wow, Javion really impressed me." She chuckled and she faced me. "Don't you miss me, Eonnie? Aw, that's sad. I just want to know if you're doing good here since I finally found you here!" She smiled widely.

"H-how did you know?" I looked at her.

"The owner of this apartment just called me last night that you're staying here because you're missing in Seoul together with Javion. So, I gave her a prize that she deserve." She looked around and faced me again. "By the way, where is he?" She crossed her arms.

"What are you doing here, Nancy?" I looked at her.

"Tsk. I told you, I missed you." She smirked and she looked at my tummy. "Oh, it's getting bigger." She said and she looked at me again.

"Get out." I pointed the door.

She sighed and shook her head. "You're rude to your visitor, Lexie. I have a good news for you. You want to hear it?" She smirked again.

True Love Will Always Prevail (LISKOOK)Where stories live. Discover now