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"Have you eaten?" Javion asked me when he entered the apartment. I came here earlier in the morning. I looked at him and smiled.

"Yeah." I nodded my head.

This beautiful angel or Javion?

He sighed and he sat beside me. "I'm tired." He said and hugged me. He cupped my tummy and he kissed it. "Daddy missed you baby girl." He smiled.

I bit my lower lip and stopped my tears. I'm really sorry but I need to let go, Javion. Let me choose our baby first.

"You can sleep now." I said to him and nearly to stood up but he clung his arms on me.

"I missed you." He kissed my cheeks.

I'm gonna miss his clinginess.

I sighed and pushed him a little. "I can't breath." I said and stood up.

"Oh, sorry." He chuckled. "What do you want for dinner later?" He laid on the sofa.

"I don't know. I'll eat what's our food." I said and opened the cabinet. I bit my lower lip and gulped. I shook my head and busied myself here. I looked at our ring.

I can't marry you, Javion. I'm sorry.

"Then I'll cook a dinner for you. Spicy pork spine soup." He said and he stood up. I looked at him.

"I'm gonna miss you." I mouthed sighed. "Let's watch a sunset together, Love." I said to him.

"Huh?" He looked at the time. "Are you sure?" He smiled and I nodded.

"It's just 4:30PM. We can still see it." I said to him.

He smiled and offered his hand. I bit my lower lip and held his hand. This is my last day to hold his hand.

I wanted to cry because it's stabbing me here in my heart. It's really hurts so bad.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry.

He held my hand and he pulled me. We went out and we commute to go on the beach. We arrived at the beach in a step my feet on the water. I sighed and feel the fresh air.

My hair and dress keeps flying. I closed my eyes when I felt his hugged behind. He put his arms around me and he put his chin on my shoulder.

"Don't ever leave me, please." After he said that, my heart in in pain. I nodded and held his hands on my tummy.

"Stop saying that. I felt like we're in our last word." I said without facing him.

True Love Will Always Prevail (LISKOOK)Where stories live. Discover now