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"What's wrong with you?!" I shouted to Roxy.

"Hey, Lexie, I'm older than you!" She shouted back.

"Why are you following me?!" I groaned.

"Lily told me that you talked a guy named Javion Kaizer Jeon in your Mom's house!" She shouted and followed me in the hallway upstairs.

I sighed and faced her. "And?" I walked and went to my room.

"What and?! Hey, talk to me!" She opened the door and she went in. "What did you say to him?"

"I won't tell you." I laid on my bed.

"Lexie." She crossed her arms in front me.

"I'll go to jeju next month." I said and cuddled my pillow.

"I don't care. Tell me what happened." She said.

I sighed and sat. "I might cry if I tell you." I looked down. I heard she sighed and sat beside me.

"That's why I'm here to listen. I won't let you to carry your own problem, tell me your problems so I'll make it my problems too." She held my hands.

"He talked about their relationship. He said that Nancy told him that they were a perfect couple since they were in college." I blinked my eyes many times so my tears won't flow but I can't stopped it but to cry. "And he asked me who's Lily's father." I sobbed and looked at her.

"And?" She rubbed my back.

"I told him the truth that Lily's father has a new family. I told him that I pushed that guy away from us because that guy's father was against on us." I wiped my tears.

"You didn't mention his name, right?" She asked and I nodded.

"I won't tell him that he's the father of my Lily because he will not believe me because Nancy brainwashed him. That's why." I sniffed. She put my head on her shoulder and rubbed my back. "He asked me if we had a passed but I told him that we were just classmates in our college days."

"Let himself know the truth." Roxy hugged me. "Sshh, you can do this. We will give you a time to go to jeju island so you can decide to yourself."

In the next day, I went to the mall to buy a gift for Jamiyah's daughter. I went to their house when I finished to bought a gift. The maids welcomed me and they looked amazed when they saw me. Their maids escorted me on their garden and I saw a lot of visitors.

"You came!" Jamiyah shouted and we hugged each other.

"I'm sorry if I came late." I released the hug. "Where's your daughter?" I asked her.

"She's with Thomas. Let's go." Jamiyah pulled me.

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