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"Roxy, here's your schedule for today. This is from your secretary." I put the folder on her desk and I bowed my head.

"Are you sure there's nothing happened between you and Javion that night when you fought?" She crossed her arms and bend his back on the backrest.

It's been a weeks when we left on that beach resort. Javion visiting me every night at the house, sometimes, he spent his night in my room with me and honestly we made it again at my room.

"I'm sorry, Roxy but this time is work time." I smiled and she frowned.

"I'm gonna kill you." She rolled her eyes.

"You can't, Roxy because you love me. I'll go ahead now." I bowed again. "Call me if you want something, Ms. President---"

"It's Roxy for you!" She shouted and I closed the door. She don't want me to call her Ms. President because it's giving her cringe.

I sat on my chair and opened my laptop. I checked the emails from every company. Javion's birthday is tomorrow and I don't know what I'm going to do.

"Ms. Lexie, Ms. President want to talk to you." Her secretary said after went out from the office.

"Got it." I smiled and went inside. "Yes?" I smiled at her.

"Let's lunch together." She stood up.

"Where do you want to eat?" I asked.

"Let's go to Kai's restaurant. I missed to eat there and let's visit the school---"

"No, you can't. You have a meeting at 1:30PM. We only have a 1 hour left before that." I said to her.

"Fine." She smiled and took her handbag. "Let's go." I smiled and opened the door for her.

We went out and we entered the van. We went to Kai's restaurant and we ate our lunch here. While we're eating, I felt a pain to my head and I want to vomit.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Roxy asked me worriedly.

"I don't like—" I stood up. "I'll be back." I said and rushed to the restroom. I opened the cubicle and vomit there.

"Hey, Lexie!" I heard Roxy's voice. "Oh my gosh!" She shouted.

I vomited again and wiped my mouth. I father my breathed and leaned my back at the wall. "Ah." I sighed.

"Oh my..." Roxy said and covered her mouth. "You're pregnant, Lexie." She said and I immediately looked at her.

"H-huh?" My eyes widened and I stood up. She pressed the button and the cubicle flashed.

True Love Will Always Prevail (LISKOOK)Where stories live. Discover now