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"Hi." A girl greeted me while I'm putting the clothes that I washed in the closet line in the window. I looked at him and bowed my head.

"Hello." I smiled.

"I am Tereza Chou." She introduced. "What's your name?"

"Lexie Louise Bhuwakul." I introduced too.

"Since when did you stayed here? That guy is your husband?" She asked and I nodded.

"Yeah." I chuckled.

"Oh, you're lucky. He's handsome." She nodded. "Can we be friends?" She asked.

"Sure. Why not?" I smiled.

"Are you done?" Tereza asked and I nodded. "Come here. I'll cook a lunch for you." She said.

"Okay, just a seconds." I smiled and went inside. I put the basket in the bathroom and I looked at the mirror.

It's been a month since we lived here. Everything is peaceful and Javion is working at the small restaurant near here. I went out and knocked the door. She opened it and she let me in.

"Are you leaving alone here?" I asked her.

"Me and my boyfriend." She said. "Sit here." She grabbed my hand and pulled me to their mini dinning table. I sat and she sat in front of me.

"Where is he?" I asked her.

"He's working for us." She said. "What about you? Where's your husband?" She asked and she looked at my tummy and she smiled. "How many months?" She asked me.

"Almost 3 months and half." I smiled widely.

"You looked like a rich girl." She said.

"I'm not. Javion is." I smiled.

"Oh," She nodded. "Is there a reason why are you here? I'm from Seoul, we just moved here because my parents don't want my boyfriend. They can't accept it because my boyfriend is not rich." Tereza said.

"Really? So are you from in a rich family?" I asked and she nodded.

"Yeah." She shrugged. "I have a fiance but I don't like him. Well, I'm thankful because he don't like me too and he helped me here. My parents wants me to take away from my boyfriend but I love him so much that's why I decided to go with him and we decided to live here in jeju." She said and opened the tupperware. "What do you want to eat? You want this?" She asked and I looked at the black ramen in the tupperware. "Don't worry, I just cooked it an hour ago."

I smiled and nodded. She stood up and took a chopsticks. "Thank you." I said when she offered me the chopsticks. We shared in the black ramen.

True Love Will Always Prevail (LISKOOK)Where stories live. Discover now