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"Oh my gosh." I massaged my forehead using my hand while looking at them. "I'm not a model, I'm just a CEO." I rolled my eyes. "What's with the big deal?"

"Lexie, you know, both of you are famous CEO all over the world." Roxy said.

"Week had passed and it's still doesn't pass by?" I groaned.

"It's still in the hot topic." Jamiyah said. "They need your confirmation if what's the purpose of hiding yourself and you used the Lily Manoban as your name." She said.

"I'm stressing out." Jewel sighed. "Schedule a date for an interview in press conference." She said.

"Hey!" I laughed sarcastically. "I'm not a model nor an actress. I'm just a CEO. I don't want to waste my time on that shitty shits. The important here is, I'm doing my job and I'm doing it professionally. Nothing less, nothing more." I crossed my arms.

"Just tell the world that you have a daughter. Tell them that you're a single mom." Jewel said.

"Eonnie, what do you mean? Lexie will be in hot topic again." Roxy said.

"At least that exes thingy will fade!" She shouted. "And besides! Javion has a family!"

"Rorijade Jewel Manoban." I called her.

"Stop calling me that. I'm a married woman. Call me Jewel Kim." She rolled her eyes.

"Calm down, Je. Let Lexie fix her problem." Jamiyah chuckled.

"Javion will not make a move? After Lexie helped him on his big project? He will not give a feedback?" Roxy rolled her eyes.

"I know this time he's in trouble with Nancy and I think he's confused about this happening." I looked at the window and sighed. "Let's lunch together outside. My treat." I stood up and looked at them.

"Let's go." Roxy sighed and stood up too.

We went to the restaurant and I treated them a lunch. "What are you going to do now?" Jamiyah asked.

"You really want to know it?" I asked them and they nodded. "I'll go to jeju island. That's it." I smiled.

"Alone?!" They shouted. Thankfully, I took a VIP room for us.

"Hmm." I nodded while chewing the food. "I'll visit my friend there if they're still there."

"So you really don't have plan for Javion?" Roxy frowned.

"She's stupid." Jamiyah said.

"Okay, fine. Go to jeju alone. Don't call us." Jewel crossed her arms.

True Love Will Always Prevail (LISKOOK)Where stories live. Discover now