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"Roxy, I know we're best friends but don't do this to me. Just be fair. Treat me as one of your employees." I said to him while we're eating in the snack bar of her company.

She is now the CEO of their company since months had passed. She took a two months training for being a CEO but since she's so smart and can handle the company at the very young age, her father gave it to her. Javion blonde his hair like mine and he's planning to introduce me to his Dad but he's afraid and I'm nervous for that too.

"I know, Lexie. Eomma and Alice-eonnie told me to did this and I'm just following them. They don't want you to suffer that much and you're smarter than them." She said and drank her cola.

I sighed. "How are you with Joseff?" I asked.

"Who told you that I'm dating him?" She rolled her eyes. "You know that I don't like boys."

"Then who do you like?" I asked.

"Myself, you, Jamiyah-eonnie, Mina, Jewel-eonnie----"

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not in the mood to do dates, okay?" She stood up. "Let's go now. Jamiyah-eonnie and Jewel-eonnie will ramp as duo today." She said and stood up.

She's my boss and I am her personal assistant. Roxy will be Roxy. She will do whatever she want and I don't have a choice but I'm always telling her that I need to hard work too because we're not a kid anymore.

She used her car when we went to the venue. She don't have a schedule this night so her secret was the one who left in her office. We arrived at the venue and we went to the VIP area.

I looked around and I saw Javion who's busy talking to his Dad, he is now on his training as a CEO. He can dye his hair when he's already the boss.

The ramp started and we enjoyed watching it. The wedding of Jamiyah was post-pone for a while because they're both busy.

A lot of photographers captured when the VIP models went out and that's Jamiyah and Jewel. They're wearing a beautiful outfit with their fierce aura. They're really beautiful and they have that charisma.

When the ramp finished, we went to the backstage. "You both did so wonderful today!" I clapped my hands.

"Thank you so much." Jennie smiled.

"Where do you want to eat tonight?" Jamiyah asked while removing the heavy make-up.

"I'm on diet." Jewel said.

"It's just for tonight, Jewel." Jamiyah said.

"Okay, fine. I'm craving... ahm... ice cream!" She shouted and smiled.

True Love Will Always Prevail (LISKOOK)Where stories live. Discover now