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Lexie's POV

"We stayed at Jeju for a month and we lived a poor life there but we're happy." I smiled at him and he smiled at me back.

"Can I meet Lily today?" He asked me and I nodded.

"Let's go? She's always excited to see you." I stood up on the bench and faced him. My eyes widened when he smirked at me. "W-why are you smirking?" I stuttered.

"You kissed me here, right?" He smirked. "You took my first kiss here." He looked at me playfully.

"I... ahm..." I scratched my head and chuckled. "Forget it."

"You're blushing." He stood up and held my hand. "Let's go to our daughter." He pulled my hand and I smiled.

My next mission is Nancy.

We went to my mansion and they're all here. They screamed when they saw us coming inside.

"Thanks God! Thanks God!" Roxy shouted.

"We did great!" Jewel clapped.

"Wow! We did terrific!" Jamiyah thumbs up.

"Why?" I asked them.

"Remember the group chat that I told you? We planned this all." Bryant clapped. "I mean, I planned this all."

"Yeah. Bryant planned this all to stopped you in your flight." Edward said.

"I'm so luminous." He spread his arm and felt the atmosphere.

"I remember what you did when we were in highschool, bro." Javion laughed while looking at Bryant.

"What?" Bryant frowned.

"You pooped in your pants when we were in middle school." Javion said and we laughed so hard.

"Hey! It was a long ago! Stop bringing the past here! I've change a lot! I'm pooping in the bowl now!" He shouted and we laughed again.

"Where's Lily?" I asked them.

"Mimi, I'm here! I just peed!" She shouted and ran here. "Hi, Daddy." She waved at Javion.

Javion let my hand go and he carried Lily. "I'm sorry if I came too late." He rubbed Lily's hair and kissed her forehead.

"It's okay, Daddy." Lily smiled widely.

"Aw, cute." Roxy said and wiped her tears.

"Hey! Why are you crying?!" Jamiyah asked.

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