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"Mimi! I really love this!" She shouted while running, carrying her tablet that I brought for her. She sat beside me and she peeked on my laptop. "I want this too soon, Mimi." She pointed the laptop.

"Of course, you can have this too but I'll limit your time where are you going to use that tablet, okay?" I kissed her head.

"Okay, Mimi. You can take this anytime you want." She smiled at me and I touched her nose.

"Thank you for following Mimi." I smiled.

"Of course, Mimi. I love you." She giggled and I giggled too.

"I love you more, my Lily." I smiled softly. "Just tell me if you're hungry, okay?"

"Okay, Mimi!" She said and used her tablet. She watched a nursery rhymes and barbies. I smiled and went to my report on my laptop. I checked my inbox and I saw a message from Fashionastic model agency. I clicked the message and read.

Good morning, Ms. Manoban, this is Javion Kaizer Jeon, can I meet you later? If you have a busy schedule today, I'll wait when you will have a free time. Have a good day, Ms. Manoban.

I sighed and closed my laptop. I took my phone and called my secretary. "What is my appointment today? Do I have an important meeting?" I asked her.

"There's an email from your campus, Madame and they're asking your favour to be a special judge on their pageant. Can I settle this, Madame?" She asked.

"We will talk about that tomorrow. I'll think about it first." I said. "What else?" I asked her.

"And Mr. Jeon wants to talk something about you, Madame." She said.

"Where can I meet him?" I asked her and she said the address. "Set a schedule at 3PM. I'll meet him. Thank you." I ended the call and I looked at my daughter who's laughing here beside me. "Lily, Mimi have a work later. Can you stay with Uncle Bryant?" I asked her and she looked at me.

"Can I go to auntie Jamiyah? I want to play with Janine." She pouted and I nodded.

"I'll send you there later." I smiled.

"Mimi, I have something to ask you." She said and she catched her breath and that makes me chuckled because she's so cute.

"What is it, baby?" I asked and I put her on my lap.

"Why did you slapped that lady, Mimi?" She asked me.

I sighed. "I'm sorry, baby, but Mimi can't tell you about that because it's an adult conversation. Can you understand that?"

"Okay, Mimi. Thank you for defending me." She smiled widely.

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