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Lexie's POV

"Hey! You can't left me after that words!" He shouted from the kitchen and I smiled.

"You don't have something to go today?" I stopped and faced him.

"Nothing. Why?" He smiled.

I smiled. "I'm sorry, but Roxy and I have a to do our projects." I said to him.

"Can I join? I want to be serious in my studies now and ahm... I want to impress you." He smiled shyly while scratching his hair.

I narrowed my eyes as I smiled and crossed my arms. "If you got a 1.00 grades in all subjects this semester, I'll have a surprise to you." I smiled and his eyes widened.

"What are you waiting for? Help me now! Let's go!" He even clapped his hands and I laughed.

We both went upstairs and went to my room. Roxy took out our requirements and we started to do our projects, thesis and reports. Javion was there listening to us and he went out to took his bag.

He borrowed my notes and he copied what's on my notes. I taught him in all subjects, especially on business mathematics. I told him what's the formulas. After he understood the formula and the process. I gave him a problem and he solved it without an example.

He's a fast learner and not that hard to teach. I went back to Roxy and continued our projects. Ahjumma brought our an afternoon snacks in my room and we took a break.

"I'm not done yet." Javion said while focusing on his test that I gave.

"Finish that after we eat this." I said to him.

"I'm not hungry." He said.

"Is that really true, Javion-ssi? Or just doing that because Lexie is here?" Roxy smirked.

"Both." He smiled and I chuckled.

"C'mon. Continue that later. You need to eat." I said to him and he nodded.

He stood up and stretched his body. He approached to us and he took a bit on the food. After we ate, we continued to our works. I checked his test and he got a 8 over 10 in each test.

"Not bad. You passed." I smiled.

"So, what's our projects?" He put his hands on his waist.

"Since we're classmates in all subjects. I put your name in the subjects but in thesis is not. That's individual." Roxy said. "And for our reports, I'll just message our teacher that Lexie took you with us." Roxy said and I nodded.

"So, I did nothing?" He asked and Roxy nodded.

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