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"Where do you wanna go for today?" He asked me over the phone. His Dad went to US yesterday and his left with Jamiyah. His Dad will be back at Jamiyah's wedding.

"I don't know." I said and sat on my bed. Roxy gave me a first time day off. She always telling me to tell her if I want to rest but I told her if Javion have a time for me.

For a months of working at her company, I never asked for a day off, this is just now for the first time. "Let's go to Busan. I want to introduce you to my Mother's side family." He said.

"Really?!" I shouted because of excitement.

"Sure. We'll you come with me?" He asked.

"Of course! I will!" I chuckled. "I am excited."

"Don't worry, they are supporting me so I am sure that they'll accept you." He said.

"What time? So I can prepare." I said.

"I'll fetch you at 9AM." He said.

"Okay, okay! I'll get bath now, Love. See you later! I love you! Mwa!" I ended the call and stood up.

I looked at the time and I have still 2 hours to prepare. I woke up early because he called me early. I took a bathed and wore a white and black long sleeve and a long brown high-waist skirt. (At the multimedia.)

I went down to eat my breakfast and waited him to come here. I went back again at my room and took a black sling bag. I smiled at the mirror and I heard a beep outside. I knocked Bryant's door and he opened it.

"I have to go." I said to him.

"Where?" He rubbed his eyes after he took off his eyes glasses. He's studying.

"Busan with Javion. He'll going to introduce me to his mother's side family." I smiled and he smiled.

"Sure. Just don't go home late." He said. "Did you message Mom?" Bryant asked and I nodded.

"I'll go now. He's waiting outside." I waved and he nodded. I smiled and went out from the house. I opened the gate and he's sitting on the hood of his car.

"Wow. Vintage style. I like it!" He winked and kissed my cheeks.

I smiled. "I just want to be formal in front of your family." I chuckled. "I like your outfit too." I said.

He's wearing a black jacket and black pants together with his bucket hat. He opened the door for me and I thanked him before I entered the car. He went to the driver seat and we wore the seat belts.

"Let's go?" He smiled at me and I nodded. He started the engine and held my hand as he drove.

True Love Will Always Prevail (LISKOOK)Where stories live. Discover now