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Javion left the house when the morning came. My flights was cancelled because they stopped me. I went to my office with Lily because she wants to be with me even I'm working. She's playing with Janine because Jamiyah is here.

"Honestly, Javion will not come yesterday with us." She chuckled. "But Bryant was there and telling that 'Your questions will be answer.' And now, it answered." She smiled. "And I'm happy because of that."

"I'm happy too, Eonnie. Thank you for helping me." I smiled.

"Of course. Lily deserves a Dad like Javion." She sighed. "Since Olivia is not Javion's daughter."

"You know that?" I asked her and she nodded.

"I was there acting because that was what my father said." She smiled. "But I treats Olivia as my niece also but I can't deal with her attitude. What's your plan for today?" She asked me.

"I will stay here in my office to finish all my works. I will visit every studios too." I smiled and she nodded.

Jamiyah brought Lily with her to their house since I'm swamped today. I checked every studios and the magazine publishing. When the evening comes, I went to the parking lot and I saw my man who's standing on his car.

"Why are you here?" I asked her and he sighed. He hugged me so tight and I hugged him back. He's back on being clingy. That's the Javion I used to know. "What happened?" I rubbed his hair.

"She won't agree on my decision." He murmured and I sighed.

I smiled and cupped his face. "It's okay, hmm? I'm gonna fix it." I smiled and rubbed his cheeks. "Let's go home?" I smiled and he nodded.

We separated our paths because I'm going to use my car. He was following at the back and we arrived at my mansion. We parked our car on the parking lot and we held each other's hand and we went in.

"I'll cook your favorite soup." I smiled and he smiled.

"Where's Lily?" He asked the maid.

"She's sleeping on her room, Sir." The maid bowed.

"Have she eaten?" I asked our maid.

"Yes, Madame."

We went to the kitchen and our maids helped me to prepare the ingredients. Javion was sitting on the counter while looking at me cooking. I smiled at him and he smiled at me too. When I finished to cook the dumplings soup, we ate together in the dinning room.

"What did she say?" I asked him.

"She was crying. She won't let me go." He sighed.

"Did you love her?" I asked and he shook his head.

True Love Will Always Prevail (LISKOOK)Where stories live. Discover now